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Sentinel's Gift - virtual item

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hey, i like building anything from wood to metal. i will most likely listen to people no mater what the supject unless its about how they look then i will just tell them what they want to hear, unless the are good friends then i will flat out tell them. i like all sports but am only good at basketball, football, and soccer. any other sport im not so good at. i like cars, wepons, and girls.


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Highmist Report | 04/30/2010 12:16 pm
All of this makes me feel better about myself and the magical word, privacy......(realizes something too late)
XG r i m G r i nX Report | 04/29/2010 6:30 am
XG r i m G r i nX
HEY BITCHFACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! scream YOU STILL DIDN'T ANSWER ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? burning_eyes you BETTER answer me soon or i'll GO TO YOUR HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! evil I 'll sneek into your room while you're sleeping...... AND I'LL CRUSH YOUR LIL' "PRECIOUS" UNTIL IT EXPLODES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (if you really have one) AND THEN I'LL ROLL YOUR FAT a** INTO A TACO AAND SHOVE IT IN A TRANSVESTITE SUMO WRESTLER'S MOUTH WHILE HE IS BUTT-RAPING YOUR GRANDPA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! scream answer me or........... i'll see you this weekend...... twisted
da0p Report | 04/29/2010 6:28 am
Brianna and I will eat cho babies! ;D

da0p Report | 04/29/2010 6:26 am
DA0P SAYS HI! domokun

Bri wants to eat jo babies. <3
da0p Report | 04/29/2010 6:25 am

Heyyyy Baybay! ;D
XG r i m G r i nX Report | 04/28/2010 6:30 am
XG r i m G r i nX
HEYYYYYYYYYYY YOOOOUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! scream ANSWER ME DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! evil ******** b*****d!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! answer my funk'in messages!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! scream !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ASSSWHOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! burning_eyes YOU A ***F************ ****C***** T********** R**************** AND YOU BETTER COMMENT ME BACK YOU T****** FILLED S****** FULL OF s**t !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WIILLL PERSONALLY SHOVE A ******* UP YOOUR ****** AND ********* STUFF IT WITH********** AND SET IT UP IN FLAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! burning_eyes how DARE you ignore me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! scream ANSWER MY ******** COMMENTS OR I'LL ******** YOU UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
XG r i m G r i nX Report | 04/23/2010 6:28 am
XG r i m G r i nX
hmmmmmmmmmmm..................where wuz i??????........oh yeh...................ahhhhhhhhh.........ooooooooooooooooooo.......uhh ehhhhh....................mmmmmmmmm...............hhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa................................ sooooooo..........tasty...............................(bite)-CRUNCH! yyUUUUUmmmmmmmmYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! blaugh I LUVE HOTDOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! heart mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...................... c'mon, i know u do tooo~~!!!!! 4laugh i see you droooling....... eek oooooopsies...........were u tink'in 'bout sum'tin else??????????????........oooooo........i know wut you were think'in.... twisted you were thinking about .......A large soft silky bed...... a lacy garder beneath a sheer revealing robe......... rose peteals gently scattered around a bottle of red wine.............porno palying on the mini telivision in the kitchen.......... you aproach the irresistable figure on the sheets............... fishnets covering his long hairy legs that are wrapped around your waist az his 5o'clock shadow rubs hard and urgently against your...........OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you have MESSED up fantasies dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! burning_eyes i didn't know you rooolllllled THAT way!!!!!!!!!! rofl donnnna wooorryyyyyy though.... blaugh i won't tell anybody!!!!!!!!! heeeee heeeeeee........ ooopppsies but this is a comment so everybody would seee it.......... huu huuuu....sorry 4laugh oh well........... your gonna have to reveal your true self one day anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!! blaugh heeee heeeeeee I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! scream
XG r i m G r i nX Report | 04/22/2010 6:31 am
XG r i m G r i nX
Hellllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooooooooo............... twisted how are you???????? eek ...............................hmmmm?????? arrrrreee uuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnngryyyyyyyyyy?????????????????? ..............i'm staaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrvingggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! scream ............. i'm craaaving forrrrrrrrr.............. can u guesse????????? eek hmmmmmmmmmmm?????????? c'mon quesss........................................... i'm hungryyyyyy forrrr..................... FTIED CHICKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! burning_eyes Oh yEEEESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! niced steaming hot fried chicken torched by the flames of hell themselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4laugh mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm................delicious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ..................huuu huuu uhhuuuuuu crunchy............u know wut else izz crunchy????????????? ..............hmmmmmm?????????????........................ EXPIRED MARSHMELLOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they may be a little stale but theyze stiilll gooooooooooooooooooooooooooodddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yiou want one???????????? c'mon..... i know you want one.................... huuu huuuu huuuuuuuuuu.............. I KNOW WHERE U LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehhheheheeee........ twisted .............. (random fact)
Leo-Festus Report | 03/13/2010 6:09 pm
if you rub the magical unicorns horn he will give you magical unicorn mayonnaise!!! <3 XDDD
Leo-Festus Report | 03/03/2010 4:36 pm
Miss Murder <3



on lookers


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