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Mega sexy one 101

Mega sexy one 101's avatar

Birthday: 07/05


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ll Nephrym ll Report | 08/08/2010 8:00 pm
ll Nephrym ll
You are pathetic... talk2hand
ll Nephrym ll Report | 07/31/2010 11:04 am
ll Nephrym ll
What? can't even think of a reply to my PM? lazy. stare
Beloved-4-Eternity Report | 07/30/2010 5:36 pm
no i dont feel threatened by sexiness and can u stop talking about all u talk about is being sexy or sexiness god its getting annoying
Beloved-4-Eternity Report | 07/29/2010 10:19 pm
cus i dont want to be ur friend and i dont have to if i dont want to
ll Nephrym ll Report | 07/29/2010 9:26 pm
ll Nephrym ll
Thanks a bunch hun n_n
cherrytenmei Report | 07/27/2010 12:58 pm
                          User Image
                          ████████████████████ina says


                          { Questing } . . .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                          User Image 515,000g || 1,500,000g

cherrytenmei Report | 07/27/2010 12:50 pm
                          User Image
                          ████████████████████ina says

                          what was all what about? stare
                          wow. you really are arrogant. that's not an attractive personality trait. you should fix that.
                          i didn't research that just to prove a point in this petty argument, i already knew it. i just took care to explain it well so you'd understand. neutral

                          { Questing } . . .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                          User Image 515,000g || 1,500,000g

cherrytenmei Report | 07/27/2010 12:11 pm
                          User Image
                          ████████████████████ina says

                          if you can't read my username then that's pretty pathetic. how old are you? 11? 12?
                          his face was creepy by like 2001 but michael himself wasn't creepy. you spelled his name wrong. again. he didn't make himself look white, he had a disease called vitiligo which makes your skin have blotches of drastically different skin colour. he wore cosmetics to even the skin tone out. as he grew older, the ratio of dark to white blotches got less as more of his skin was white, so he gradually got whiter. read your s**t before you talk s**t.
                          what kind of dumbass calls themselves 'Mega sexy one 101'? it's not like someone's gonna click on your page thinking oh man this girl must be real sexy cause her username says so. it just makes you look really arrogant and up your own a**.
                          my eyes are blue, why the ******** do you care?

                          { Questing } . . .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                          User Image 515,000g || 1,500,000g

cherrytenmei Report | 07/27/2010 10:00 am
                          User Image
                          ████████████████████ina says

                          A) it's MICHAEL Jackson. learn to spell
                          B) no, i'm not in love with him. i love him, and i idolize him, but i'm not in love with him
                          C) how is he creepy? do explain.
                          D) your username is stupid.

                          { Questing } . . .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                          User Image 515,000g || 1,500,000g

Commandant Alex Report | 07/26/2010 9:56 pm
Commandant Alex
I know you?
sexy willy1238

my bff

my peeps ;)