

heart Megatron_DecepticonLeader heart

Lady Megatron Keeper of the Screamer

Hello I'm Lady Megatron. I am a girl version of the Megatron from Armada. Reason for Armada.... Because colors are more interesting to me. Call me weird but I liked Armada. Don't try to conform me to the Armada flamers way of thinking. It won't happen. Why? Because if you read the top little blurb at the top of this Journal Entry, I am the Keeper of the Screamer. If you've ever seen Transformers in your life. You'll know that "The Screamer" is one of the nicknames for Starscream. Air Commander in G1 and Second in Command in Armada. I chose Armada Starscream because of the simple fact I like his coloring in Armada better then in G1. He's more attractive in red, black, orange, white, and silver then in white and blue with red trim..... I don't care if you like G1 better. If you express that in a comment that fine but I will not be swayed from my decision. burning_eyes May all flamers burn in Hell. burning_eyes Amen.


I'm taking a crack at poetry.. shut up i know I suck.
Journal Entry #2 by Lady Megatron

Small sparkles, silvery white sparkles.
Flutter and flicker about.
The chill stinging as it sits upon the tip of my nose.

The sky, cloudy, yet it smiles down this evening.
Chill ignored as the young and old slide,
Down the hills of silvery white sparkles.

Laughter all around as they all stop to behold the beauty of pure white.
The glee slowly dies, and the people go back to their homes where they pick up their shovels.
What once was joy has now become a burden and must now be cast aside.
Like that puppy you once upon a time got for your birthday, you cuddled and tromped around the house like it was nobody's business.
Then the next year that same dog you loved with all your heart, suddenly ended up in a place of utter abandonment.
It's heart was broke cause no one loved it anymore.

What was joy had become a burden.
The loved had become the unloved.
Spirits broken by the need to be more than what they are.

What if I was that puppy?
What if I had been the snow you had shovelled from your path?

Would you have cast these things aside as easily?

My favorite dinosaur ^^

My favorite dinosaur isn't very big at all; is small and swift of course it will eat your heart out. It match surroundings and is almost invisible the only sound you hear is the leaves and sticks crunching under it's feet. Forefathers of the mighty hawk and eagle. Velocitraptor, run, run so fast, no matter where its prey should run it fall into the trap by the members of the pack.



Megatron's Corner *SHUT UP I'M TALKING*


It's a journal where I'll put my ponderings, share my current none existant fantasies, and much much more. Read to find out.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

President Jet

Report | 08/08/2007 8:06 am

President Jet

hello leader
Soundwave_ Choji

Report | 03/22/2007 8:51 am

Soundwave_ Choji

All hail the decepticons!

Report | 01/09/2007 7:21 am



Report | 12/21/2006 10:02 am



Report | 12/20/2006 10:24 am



Report | 12/17/2006 6:17 pm



Report | 12/16/2006 2:43 pm


Yea it really has bin a while..
nice megatron pic..
did you ever see the 3d version when they where animals
Glacial Fire

Report | 12/15/2006 2:56 pm

Glacial Fire

Hello to you too...

Report | 12/15/2006 7:53 am



Report | 12/14/2006 1:27 pm

