wanna Knoww mEh??

FreshieeForLifeee!; wUHTT .Suuuupz ?. Thee Namee Is Melissa buht yuh kan kall meh Melii; Eassy To Remberr Hardd Too Forgeet < 3 Agee ? Just Anotherr Number!; Sinqlee/ Aha! xD Muusiic andd Soccer are huqee in my Lifee<3 Fammillyy&&Friiendss Complettee Mee<3 (: iReally Dontt Carree Whaat Yhuu Thiink Of Mee . Havee A Problemooo ? Solvee Itt< Thinkk Im Trippinnqq ? Tiiee My Shoees.LIvee MY Lifee. Ihff ya wanna chahtt just Sendd a mEssqq. -MeliiLoves yuh!

"They say it takes a minute to find a special person,
an hour to appreciate them, dayy to lovee them,
but then an entire life to forget them..."


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ANd That WOnt Ever Chanqee.
He has My backk and i qot HIss.
We will alwayss be sidee by sidee..


Wuht's myy Namee?
