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Powers: Able to manipulate and conjure most of the highly resistant metals, Super Strength(Endurance/Resistance) and Flight.

Main Weapon: Night Bane

Blade Fighting Style: Night Bane Klinge Tanzen, stands for , Night Bane Dancing Blade in German. Night Bane is the type of blade Metakon uses which is a very long, razor sharp and extended katana in length. This blade contains every single type of solid metal upon the earth's surface making it nearly indestructible. It was forged and fused together from the fiery breath of a dragon. Instead of the normal silver colour of metal, this katana's blade is jet black and shines red when heated with hot substances.
((Night Bane is originally Sephiroth's sword also called Masamune.))

HTH Fighting Style (Hand To Hand): Mixed Martial Arts.

Side Weapons/Gadgets:Metakon is an Android with a robotic arm in the shape and look of a normal human arm able to perform various things. Also has a robotic eye allowing Metakon to be able to analyse the territory along with his enemies and they're attacks. [More to come.]

Bio: Metakon is a metal-manipulating cyborg able to accomplish great things with his godly gifts. He has no memories whatsoever of his past and still struggles to accept himself the way he is as a cyborg. Different from the rest, Metakon trains and strives to achieve great power so he can discover his past and fulfill his unknown destiny. [Full Bio in journal]

-Physical Profile-


-Has a metallic tungsten skeleton.

-Organs coated with tungsten.

-Has a robotic eye allowing him to acquire vital information from his environment, enemies and allies.


-Silver hair-

-An eye patch on his right robotic eye.-

-5 ft 10-


-Red left eye-

-White skin tone-


View Journal

The Blackened Metal-Soul

This journal will guide throughout Metakon's experiences in his life.


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spratyakuza Report | 10/21/2010 10:44 am
thank you so much for buying
Mihawk Dragunov Report | 11/10/2008 6:16 pm
Mihawk Dragunov
Some bullshit. I'll call you back tomorrow.
Mihawk Dragunov Report | 11/10/2008 6:14 pm
Mihawk Dragunov
Lord Auron Fallingstar Report | 11/02/2008 1:18 pm
Lord Auron Fallingstar
Lol. I passed my Sovereign title to Ziek, but he's still not ready to train people.
Lord Auron Fallingstar Report | 11/02/2008 1:12 pm
Lord Auron Fallingstar
You're right, it was great. Congratulations my friend. Who was training you beforehand? Or were you self practiced?
Lord Auron Fallingstar Report | 11/02/2008 10:18 am
Lord Auron Fallingstar
Yeah. Just give me a little bit. ^^;
Lord Auron Fallingstar Report | 11/02/2008 10:01 am
Lord Auron Fallingstar
Posts, things on my profile, friends, etc. It wasn't until recent that I met up with a few of my old friends. ^^;
Lord Auron Fallingstar Report | 11/02/2008 9:41 am
Lord Auron Fallingstar
Lol. I deleted everything when I left. I'll get around to fixing everything up.
Doctor Shamal Report | 11/02/2008 8:07 am
Doctor Shamal

Doctor Shamal Report | 11/02/2008 8:00 am
Doctor Shamal

Not now.

I have laundry that needs folding.