
Metal hunter x9

Metal hunter x9's avatar

Birthday: 04/29


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hearts reaper Report | 07/19/2010 12:56 am
hearts reaper
dude get ur stinky butt on gaia
ur lil sis miss u =(
chilax and don't work all da time
k bye bro love ya
peace =P
Xx_pirate_monkies_xX Report | 04/29/2010 6:53 pm
lol............hey we have da same b-day ^_^
KellyKelxD Report | 04/08/2010 10:40 pm
yes ^^ thanks for everything imma ttyl goodnight good luck tomorrow ~hugz~

KellyKelxD Report | 04/08/2010 10:37 pm
hey sorry my phone died well i had to go anyways sweatdrop

KellyKelxD Report | 04/08/2010 9:32 pm
.......ugh fine......>.>

KellyKelxD Report | 04/08/2010 9:21 pm

KellyKelxD Report | 04/08/2010 9:04 pm
but i am i hate ppl hearing meh cry.......imma take a shower >.> maybe i will return........maybe not

KellyKelxD Report | 04/08/2010 8:56 pm
no i dont want u to hear meh cry it is way to embarrassing....

KellyKelxD Report | 04/08/2010 8:53 pm
well u c telling on her goes into a whole other story and it's too much to explain but all u need to no atm is that i CANNOT tell my mom

KellyKelxD Report | 04/08/2010 8:48 pm
no well i was on myspace and my cousin sent meh a message saying she wants meh to burn in hell and die and she wants to kill meh in my sleep when she sees meh again and i didnt do anything and i was kinda crying but i was holding it in so my mom wouldn't see >.> and now im scared to even leqve my house she has all her friends hating meh now for nothing Dx

A7X Danger line A7X
A7X Nightmare A7X

Real life freinds of mine

when it comes to music i love a good guitar solo i listen to all types as long as its not country

i could never swallow your false ideals of a lifeless happy ending !!

Luck runs out Crawl from the wreckage one more time Horrific memory twists the mind Dark, rutted, cold and hard to turn Path of destruction, feel it burn

We are brimming with cumbersome, murderous greed, And malevolence deep and profound. We do unspeakable deeds, does our wickedness know any bounds?