Name: Stephanie
Age: 14
Height: 5ft. 3in.
Weight: 103lbs.
Hair: Brown/Bit longer than shoulders/Wavey
Eyes: Green/Brown
Skin: Tan


Likes: Pink, Purple, Blue, White, Cupcakes are interesting to me, Ice Cream, Chocolate, Oreos, Poptarts, Popcorn, Tan Guys with LONG HAIR, Guys with Pretty Eyes, and you guys with cute faces!! <3
Dislikes: Preppy and Mean Girls, Fall, Cold Weather, and Cats Cuz they are mean!! crying
Video Games of Most Liking: Call of Duty, James Bond 007, Guitar Hero, Rock Band, and Warhawks.


Please Comment and I hope you enjoyed my profile and that you still do!! ^^


