
mfrost2005's avatar

Last Login: 09/02/2024 9:28 pm

Registered: 03/22/2006

Gender: Male


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Atheistsbabyangel Report | 11/12/2010 12:02 am
The doodle stole your foam mallet, i chased it...but it kept chanting WHACK WHACK WHACK YOUR DOODLE
x ToRn BLeEdiNg Rose x Report | 10/28/2009 6:20 am
Thankies for buying ^ ^
[WolfVs.Wolf] Report | 09/08/2009 9:38 am
Um Hey? Happy birthday man! xD
[WolfVs.Wolf] Report | 07/20/2009 9:43 pm
Frost! Sup buddeh!? Long time no talk! How's it been???
lisasian Report | 05/03/2009 6:24 pm
hey thanks for the prize(s). you are officially on my awesomeness list.

well, actually i dont have one, but now i do, and guess wat you're number 1!

crowgerl Report | 02/24/2009 11:27 am
caw caw
crowgerl Report | 02/02/2009 1:11 pm
gold! thx
Ayla of the Mamutoi Report | 02/02/2009 1:01 pm
gold comment man...
Ayla of the Mamutoi Report | 01/19/2009 1:27 pm
you magic card player you...
luviCoral Report | 01/15/2009 9:18 am
Were is Acroma?

The Princes of Darkness

In the beginning of existence when Lucifer fell from Gods right hand, he found a home amongst the brimstone and fires of the center of the earth to rule over the souls of mankind.
38 B.C.
The day came when tormenting was more of a chore, and Lucifer decided he needed someone to share his domain with. If God could have a son why couldn't he. He sent angels of darkness around the world to pick the perfect person to receive his demon seed. My mother was a lonely woman cast from society maimed by leprosy. He came to her in the shape of a man with dark features and a kind smile. My mother fell for him quickly and Lucifer’s seed was planted. My mother heard nothing from the man until the day the children turned five. The Leprosy had taken a turn for the worse and my mother lie dieing. Lucifer appeared at her bed side this time in his true form frightening and huge. He bent above her and gently kissed her forehead. She gazed into his eyes and smiled. “I figured you were the father.” She said weakly. "How could you? My disguise was perfect." whispered Lucifer brushing mother's hair from her deformed face. "Your children, Look at your children." replied Mother. Lucifer turned his gaze to the yard and out side ran two boys. One boy looked like his true form but with softer features yet still frightening. The other boy looked like the form Lucifer took that night except for small horns and a tale peeking out from the boy’s cloths. "You let them live? All the others were killed at the moment of birth. Why did you let my seed live?" Whispered Lucifer. "They are my children too. I love them dearly. Loki is hot headed and he looks just like you. Deep done I can see kindness though. Michael is my angel he is calm and kind to everything. Please take care of them." With that my mother died and Lucifer fell to his knees and cried.

Present day.

I live in the underworld. I dwell amongst demons. I dine with Lucifer himself. I am Michael son of Lucifer. I am a Prince of Darkness.
Madame Frost

My Ladies ^_^

Resistance is Futile!