
the name i am graced with is

i am also known as

my artist names are

i am a person of curiosity,

a person of understanding

a person of kindness,

a person of sympathy

a person of strength,

and a person of great weakness.

i have the ability to stand out in a crowd
even when I'm trying to fit in.
my attitude toward everything, and everyone
is normally light hearted,
but can be dark at times.

i discard any bit of masculinity
that flows through my veins
so, I tend to act more flamboyant.
You have more colors
than John Lennons wardrobe

one person once said to me...
I agree completely.

i always have potential,
but not always a teacher.
No one has wished to share true knowledge with me.
So, i've had to make my own paths for a while.

in some situations when i want something specific,
but, I'm afraid of what might come of it,
I tend to be very indirect.
i get what i want through illusion,

and love,

I don't ever wish for much in such a way though.
I know what I can't have.
i do not steal from others,
and i do not hurt others to gain,

i know what the world is like,
i understand it well, from many points of view,
even my own.
and as time has passed,
though i do not believe
in some of the concepts of this place,
I have begun to find my place within it.

You see me as a rebel.
If I were you, I would think the same.
But I'm not you, am I?
I'm just finding my own way,
which has proved successful so far,
so don't worry about me.
i'll never be as miserable as you
i will always know what is true in my mind,
from now until the end.

I'm not like anybody else.
And I wouldn't have it any other way.

Its easy for some to shun me.
or hate me behind my back.
Will you, as well?
it won't be a surprise to me...
if you don't like what you see,
that just means you're not worth my time,
so, why should I care?

Either way, I do bid you thanks for taking the time to read this.
i hope your journey through life
will be as meaningful
and fruitful
as mine.

Superficial details!!

kk, I'm 17,

I live in "Newport beach, C.A."

I resonate "Coyote," for what i believe to be the animal of "Illusion"
I also resonate a slight bit of avian every now and again which I believe to be "society finch."

I'm 6'4 with brown eyes, and long brown hair with either blonde streaks or pretty colored streaks!! I have an almost sickly slim, but curved build, so I can be mistook for a female. (it happens all the time). I have no general set style, but when it comes to clothes and fashion, I tend to be behind on the times, but I really try to work what I have! I really do care about my appearance.

I love music, especially my happy Techno, but I'll listen to just about anything.

I also enjoy producing music!! the songs i have made thus far have all been either Happy techno, or new age classical. get to know me, and i might show off!! ^-^

i do a bit of writing, but i don't have enough of an attention span to keep up with big projects, so i usually just stop writing after a while. Poetry is my specialty: short, sweet, and to the point

Drawing is a hobby of mine, and i'm not absolutely amazing a it, but its fun every now and again. i specialize in manga style drawings, and I do fairly well with copy work!

my personality is ever changing with the direction of the wind, and i can tend to respond differently to the same question at a different time.

thats all i can think of for now, but, i will add more when i think of it!!

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AS OF 7/1/09

Hello everyone! its Ashleigh! but some of you know me as Dru_Carlisle. Michael has given me his acount (im not sure if its temporary or not.) but if your not able to contact michael by phone, MySpace, or otherwise, please send a message to me and ill be more than happy to pass it along!!


Viewing 12 of 63 friends


Journal (type thing...)

who knows? maybe i'll just post short stories, poems, and maybe even parts of my novel.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 02/15/2011 10:33 pm


i dose misses u

Report | 08/07/2010 7:05 pm


hey michael i really really miss you an when ever you get on gaia you should give me a pm ^.^ an ya i gots a puppy! heheheheh ^.^
Sweet Angleface

Report | 02/02/2010 1:47 pm

Sweet Angleface

hey michael
sorry I didn't say good bye to you
I miss you like a lot
Happy late birthday I know I'm retarded with dates but yeah that's me sooo yeah sorry
Miss you

Report | 12/01/2009 4:30 pm


we miss you up here in the pnw love you cheese pants lolz ahhhh crazy man gtg lolz

Report | 10/15/2009 6:11 pm


hay whats up
Grinelm Cheeiia

Report | 07/25/2009 2:25 pm

Grinelm Cheeiia

o.o... I miss my main account...

Report | 07/07/2009 2:55 am


Add meh ya fruity ... :p Love. add me nyow

Report | 06/26/2009 7:20 am


hey try this out. send out this comment to 10 profiles then press f5 to get 10,000 gold!!!

Report | 06/23/2009 2:06 pm



Report | 06/21/2009 7:41 pm


omg! Michael has a shirt on for once! lol, just messin with ya!


sometimes its better to watch the world from afar...
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