About The girl:)

The name is Madison, but i perfer maddie.
Im lover and a fighter.I fight for what i believe in.
I dont Change for anybody, so good look on that.
you can try to win my heart but right now Im keeping it.
im offically the myspace whore, i change everything on it everyday.
I sing, I love, but i dont hate( i dislike)^-^
Music is my life, and texting is my lifeline.
Hate me? Wont give a s**t(:
I Dont believe in love in first sight, I think its just lust or its just a a crush and it develops everday.
I dont usually use big words.
you can say im OverDramatic and cry to much, but maybe i actually have a heart, or i get hurt wayy to much.
Want to hit me up?
Get my cellphone number.
add me on myspace wink
talk to you later then?