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About Me

I'm Male, Straight and in my thirties. I'm a certified Engineer (Bachelor's Degree) in two fields, Mechanical and Computer, and am studying Electrical Engineering for a third Bachelor's Degree.

I'm from Puerto Rico so, if you speak Spanish, feel free to talk to me in Spanish if it is your dominant language.

My likes are anime, video games, fan fiction, computers and machinery.

My dislikes are loud people and nosy busybodies.

My hobbies are sleeping, playing video games, watching anime, reading fanfics, programming, and tinkering with gadgets and coding to see how they work and how they can be improved.

.....I'll add more eventually, when the mood strikes me.

Mikael Meister

Mikael Meister's avatar

Last Login: 09/02/2024 8:08 pm

Registered: 09/11/2008

Gender: Male

Location: Dorado, Puerto Rico

Birthday: 10/28

Occupation: Student, Working Engineer


Posts per Day: 0.54

Total Posts: 3172

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xXRed Moon VampiressXx Report | 06/03/2024 8:59 am
xXRed Moon VampiressXx
I forgot about the first profile post bonus. I have plenty of friends that don't get on anymore. I ahve been filling up the stores of my mules to grind because next year makes 20 years I have been on here.
xXRed Moon VampiressXx Report | 06/01/2024 7:47 pm
xXRed Moon VampiressXx
Feels good to be back. I see some things have changed while a lot has stayed the same. So what have been doing around here?
xXRed Moon VampiressXx Report | 05/30/2024 10:11 am
xXRed Moon VampiressXx
Just dropping by to say hello.
Lofty Ambition Report | 11/14/2023 2:39 pm
Lofty Ambition
xXRed Moon VampiressXx Report | 05/31/2022 6:52 am
xXRed Moon VampiressXx
heart heart Thank you so much for the birthday gift! heart
xXRed Moon VampiressXx Report | 04/20/2022 11:45 am
xXRed Moon VampiressXx
Congrats. I'm currently working on a bach in Sociology.
I am enjoying the single life right along with you, but my days are child filled instead of child free. Plus adulting is even harder when you are the most responsible out of your siblings so people call you for everything.
xXRed Moon VampiressXx Report | 04/14/2022 5:46 pm
xXRed Moon VampiressXx
Hey there. It's been going pretty good. Just busy with work and school. How about you?
xXRed Moon VampiressXx Report | 07/26/2021 6:56 pm
xXRed Moon VampiressXx
I just realized I missed our gaia marriage anniversary. crying How ae you?
Mikael Meister Report | 01/27/2021 10:11 pm
Mikael Meister
xXRed Moon VampiressXx Report | 11/11/2020 7:33 am
xXRed Moon VampiressXx