
My Gaia citizen

Name: Sakaki Neko
Race: Human *As far as she is aware*
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 140 lbs
Skin: Light Tan
Hair: Long black
Eye: Smokey Grey

-General Apperance-
Sakaki can generally be seen walking around gaia in her favorite attire: A black Vinyl strap pants, a white top with a black trench coat over it *To her embaressment, the official name is a Zoot Suit, but she wont admit it* And a pair of regular Sandles. Every now and then she can be seen with a Langer plushie, or a couple of Kaya cats in tow. She always has a serious look on her face, though she does indeed prefer the 'cuteness' of the world. However, dont let that fool you, she can be quite dark when needed.

Small Item History:
Brownie the Kaya Cat: This overly nice cat can be seen riding on her head most of the time. This particular feline came to be apart of her family when she went on a trip far away from Normal Gaia. A trip of betrayal, death, agony, fear and pain. It was during this trip that she came acrost the corpse of the Mother Kaya, and the kitten. It was then kitten that caused her to fight on against the Darkness, its tiny fragile life held within her hands that pushed her on.

Queenie the Kaya Cat: Only a couple days after returning home with Brownie, Queenie showed up. Cut up, tired, hungry and near exhaustion, it is quite obvious that this little cat had pushed itself to reach its destination. Having diffrent markings then Brownie, and being slightly bigger, she seemed to be from a diffrent litter, but with very little effort soon became the Leader of the Feline Family. It is unknown where exactly she came from, or why she chose Sakaki's home for her new kingdom, but everybody has gotten used to her regal presence.

On another note, a black cat, looking like Queenie has been spotted many times around her house. The cat seems to be able to avoid light, almost as if it sucks in the light, and its eyes glow pure red. The one time Sakaki herself saw it she felt horrid chills and felt afraid for her life.

Tanasha: Tanasha isnt exactly a normal creature. The Tiger/Kaya being is actually a Spirit Guardian that has moved along her families generation since before Gaia's move into the Modern Era...The Gaian Feudal Era.

The Tiger creature has the ability to shape-shift to most known cat forms, though prefers to stay in a Kaya form when not in a delicate situation. Howerver, Tanasha only came into Sakaki's awareness after she saw the Shadow Cat.

-Personal History-
Sakaki was born to a long line of Gaia Guardians that have all but died out in the current age. Long before, in the G-F Age *Gaian-Feudal* it was said that the Nekarian clan was one of the most active clans about, searching out darkness and evil. However, these are only rumors, for during the G-F Age there wasnt any computers to store records on, and most of the time was spent fighting. With the onslaught of Machinery, the mystical arts of tthe Nekarian clan where less and less needed, and eventually they faded as the Darkness was beat back by Technomancy. They grew dormante, powers no longer appearing in any childs. By the time family archiving came up, the Nekarian Clan was all but forgotten.

Sakaki grew up not knowing this prestigious past, and even having known it, little would have changed. She doesnt belive that much in the supernatural, instead following her career in being a animal vet. But with the appearance of the Kaya's Tanasha, and the Shadow Cat, her life appears to be changing, and nor is she important enough to partition the G-Patrol to aid her in her problems. For now, she will just have to work things out.


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