
mileyanna's avatar

Last Login: 06/29/2009 4:25 pm

Gender: Female

Birthday: 07/27

my fav songs

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I love you I love you
I love you I love you
I love you I love you
------I love you.
------I love you.
------I love you.
I love you I love you
I love you I love you
I love you I love you

I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you I love you
I love you I love you
I love you I love you
I love you I love you

---------I love you
---I love you I love you.
--I love you----I love you..
-I love you------I love you..
I love you--------I love you
-I love you------I love you..
--I love you----I love you..
---I love you I love you.
---------I love you

I love you----------I love you
-I love you---------I love you
--I love you------I love you
---I love you-----I love you
---I love you----I love you
-----I love you I love you
-------I love you I love
----------I love you

I love you I love you
I love you I love you
I love you I love you
I love you
I love you I love you
I love you I love you
I love you..
I love you I love you
I love you I love you
I love you I love you

I love you--------I love you
--I love you----I love you
----I love you I love you
---------I love you.
---------I love you.
---------I love you.
---------I love you.
---------I love you

---------I love you
---I love you I love you.
--I love you----I love you..
-I love you------I love you..
I love you--------I love you
-I love you------I love you..
--I love you----I love you..
---I love you I love you.
---------I love you

I love you-------I love you
I love you-------I love you
I love you-------I love you
I love you-------I love you
--I love you----I love you..
---I love you I love you
---------I love you

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.♥........................♥... ......♥....♥
♥.........................♥... ♥..............♥
.♥.........................♥.. .................♥
..♥.........................♥. ...............♥
...♥.......................... .............♥
.....♥........................ ..........♥
........♥..................... ......♥
...........♥.................. ....♥
...............♥.............. .♥

´´´´´´´´´´´´´´¶¶¶ ´¶¶¶´´

i love this song please comment and hear it

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ms-cherry boom boom
Unknown Player_81
ms-cherry boom boom

my boo and hes all mine girls so back off if i see u saying my boo to go out with u imma be mad at u and kick ur a** bitches hes my boo and im his boo and everything else that means love peace!!!!!!! ~with love~

my boo that i love in my life

im a singel ladies im a singel ladies im a singel ladies now put you'r hands up up cuz if u like it then u shoudof put a ring on peace !!!!!!

hi people waz up i have something to ask do u like a boy? does he think ur inviable? do u think hes ganna say no to u? are u scared to ask him? well u came to the right place if u like that boy tell him if u thinks ur invisable talk to him still dont stand there when someone takes him u dont konw if hes ganna say no or not ur nots his brain right if ur scared to ask him it on gaiaonline not in real life ok i answer all ur queshton now lets talk about me ok what i did was wright a valentines card to him it was inbarising i konw but hey! its not in real life well we brock up because i thought he was cheating on me so i thought he was the same guy as my sisters bf so wer both brock up with them i felt bad for cute chriss my sis bf but new ben aint there for me girls if u think the guy aint right for u brack up with him if u think hees the same guys as ur friend or something brack up i loved new ben but what can i do right well if u want more info wright me a pm ok ~with love~ ur melony

hi im stefanyloppez friend

this is my family and they mean alot to me i dont konw what i will do without them

this is the song if u go out with moggie cry by~rihannah Im not the type to get my heart brocken. Im not the one to get upset and cry. Cause i never leave my heart open. Never hurts me to say goodbye. Relationships don't get deep to me. Never got the whole in love thing. And someone can say they love me truthly. But at the time it diden't mean a thing. My mine is gone im spining around. And deep inside my tears ill drown. Im losing grip what's happening. I stray from love this is how i feel. THIS TIME WAS DIFFRENT. FELT LIKE I WAS JUST A VICTUM. AND THEY CUT ME LIKE A KNIF. WHEN U WALK OUT OF MY LIFE. NOW IM IN THIS CONDITION. AND I'VE, GOT ALL THE SYMPTOMS. OF A GIRL WITH A BROCKEN HEART. BUT NO MATTER WHAT YOU'LL NEVER SEE ME CRY........ DID IT HAPPEN WHEN WE FIRST KISSED. CAUSE IT'S HURTING ME TO LET IT GO. MAYBE CAUSE WE SPEND SO MUSH TIME. AND I KONW THAT ITS NOMORE. I SHOUTEN'T LET U HOLD ME BABY... MAYBE IM SAD TO SEE US APART. I DIDEN'T GIVE IT TO U ON PURPOSE. Gotta figure out how u stoled my heart. My mind is gone,i'm spinging around. And deep inside,my tears i'll drown. I'm losing grip whats happening. I stray from love, this is how I FELL. THIS TIME WAS DIFFRENT. FELT LIKE I WAS JUST A VICTIM. AND THEY CUT ME LIKE A KNIF. WHEN U WALK OUT OF MY LIFE. NOW IM IN THIS CONDITION. AND I GOT ALL THE SYMPTOMS. OF A GIRL WITH A BROCKEN HEART. BUT NO MATTER YOU'LL NEVER SEE ME CRY..... HOW DID I GET HERE WITH U ILL NEVER KONOW. I NEVER MENT TO LET IT GET SO ,PERSONAL. AFTER ALL I TRIED TO DO STAY AWAY FROM LOVEING YOU. IM BROCKEN HEARTED. I CANT LET U KONW. AND I WONT LET IT SHOW. YOU WONT SEE ME CRY....... this time was diffrent. felt like i was just a victim. and they cut me like a knif. when u walked out of my life. now im in this condition. and i got all the symptoms. of a girl with a brocken heart. but no matter you'll never see me cry............. this time was diffrent. felt like i was just a victim. and it cut me like a kinf. when u walked out of my life. now im in this conditon. and i got all the symptoms. of a girl with a brocken heart. but no matter you'll never see me cry.......................... .....ALL MY LIFE..... TAH DAH AND THAX ALL TRUE

please add her this is my new account i made it 3/30/09 please add her im begging u please


got a problem... got a problem? solve it. think i'm trippin? tie my shoes. can't stand me? sit back down. can't face me? turn around. dis is 4 da hatters dat iz trippin ova mi

people my birthday is july 28 not 27

this is my boo and my heart mess with him ill brack ur face bitches so back off hes all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mines ha