
About me:
Full Name: Undisclosed A. Lastnamehere
Birthdate: 7/11
Birth Place: Virginia, I believe.
Current Location: Baltimore
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5ft 10
Piercings: None
Tattoos: None
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Complicated


Food: Goat anything
Color: Bright Orange
Candy: Kinder Eggs
Number: 7
Animal: Capybara
Drink: Coffee
Alcoholic Drink: N/A
Bagel: Salmon and Cream Cheese with Capers on an Everything Bagel
Letter: X
Part of Attracted Gender's Body: Eyes
Sport: *Shrug*
Place: A little zen garden in the heart of D.C.
Band: Godspeed You! Black Emperor
Person: I plead the fifth for feelings sake
Actor/Actress: Keanu Reeves
Car: Chevy 2500 Van
Video Game: HL2, Mass Effect, Fallout, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
Movie: Stalker (1979)

This or That

Pepsi or Coke: Coke
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla.
Hug or Kiss: Hug
Dog or Cat: Cat.
Summer or Winter: Winter.
Rap or Rock: Rock, but I like rap too.


Bedtime: 10pm
Most Missed Memory: Too many
Best Physical Feature: My eyes, so I'm told.
First Thought When You Wake Up: "It's today, Who Am I??"
Fear: Void, Deep Water
Longest Relationship: 5 years and counting

Have You Ever

Drank: Yep
Smoked: Yep
Done Drugs: Yep.
Been Drunk: Yep
Been Beaten Up: Nope.
Beaten Someone Up: Nope.
Shoplifted: Yep.
Skinny Dipped: Yep.
Been Dumped: Yep.
Dumped Someone: Yep.

In A Person

Eye Color: Don't care.
Hair Color: Don't care.
Hair Length: Don't care.
Tattoos: Don't care
Piercings: Don't care.
Does Drugs: Don't care if they do it responsibly.
Drinks: Same as drugs.
Build: Don't care
Looks or Personality: Personality

Random Things

What Country Would You Like To Visit: Serbia
How Do You Want To Die: In my sleep or protecting someone.
Been To The Mall Lately: Nope.
Do You Like Thunderstorms: Yes.
How Many Cds Do You Own: A Few
What Kind Of Music Do You Like: Pretty much everything... No, really.
Do You Get Along With Your Parents: I don't allow my parents to speak to me
Do you Smoke: Occasionally
Do you Drink: No.
Are You A Health Freak: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-Wait you're serious?
Do You Think You're Attractive: Yes.
Believe In Yourself: On my good days.
Where Do You See Yourself In 2 Years: Who knows?
Do you Shower Daily: ...I don't know how to answer that
Have You Ever Been In Love: Yes.
Do You Sing: No
Do You Want To Get Married: *Shrug*
Do You Want To Have Kids: Have three, fourth on the way.
Did You Ever Have A Crush: Yep.
Have You Ever Kissed The Same Sex: I've kissed people of most genders.
Talk A lot: When it's appropriate.
Play Sports: Nope.


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