mind poo

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Gender: Female

Location: Korea, Republic of

Birthday: 01/01


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ch3shire_c4t Report | 02/15/2012 5:16 pm
Yesh. They were convenient at the time and I thought they were cute. Cx
Samantha is cute. It kind of reminds of witches(I don't know why), which goes well with cats because of you know, that connection thingy they have. And I like the names Orchid and Chrysanthemum(a little long, but calling the cat mum for short like they do with the flowers could work, except that would get confusing because that's what I call my own mum), it'd be a little weird calling them. But I've named cats things before that had nothing to do with them. Like I have a cat named Lola, and one named Arthur, and another named Kashmir. But none of those names really have anything to do with them based on their looks, they just felt like they matched them. Cx
Well if I ever name a cat Aria, I'll be sure to keep it for you. And on your Birthday I'll send it to you in a cute little wrapped box with a bow around it's neck. x3
ch3shire_c4t Report | 02/13/2012 2:27 pm
It is, isn't it? x3
We actually almost named one of our other cats Bessie because she had markings kind of like a cow, but my older sister was determined to call her Kittensaurus(we call her Saurus for short).
But I've gotten very uncreative with names. I named a tabby cat Tabatha (Tabby Tabatha) and a tortoiseshell cat Shelly (Tortoiseshelly). xP
ch3shire_c4t Report | 02/11/2012 7:48 pm
It can be fun sometimes, but other times it's can be a bit stressful. Cx
While it would totally awesome if they did start moo/neigh/snort/baaing, that's not really why. It just didn't really catch on is all. I prefer to name them based on their looks and personality, rather than just naming them randomly. Although, at this point I could use some more names for a bunch of them, so perhaps I should reconsider. . . Cx
But we do, however, have a cat named Miss Mew, whom we sometimes call Miss Moo 'cause she's so fat. So in a way, it's kind of like calling her Cow, right? :3
ch3shire_c4t Report | 02/09/2012 8:11 pm
It's getting there, yeah. Lol. I could start naming them by their tattoo numbers. Cx
One of my friends wanted me to start naming my cats after other animals like Dog, Cow, Pig, Sheep. It didn't really work out though. Cx
ch3shire_c4t Report | 02/09/2012 7:29 pm
I've almost resorted to doing the same with my cats. Cx
Have you ever heard of the Lenore comic books? She did the same with all her kitties. She'd give one a number, and then when it died(and it wasn't very long until it did), she'd give the next one a number. It's kind of a weird comic, but cute at the same time. x3
ch3shire_c4t Report | 02/06/2012 3:56 pm
Yes, yes it is. And when you think about it, that's only one pair of cats. What about all the rest of pairs of cats out there! O__o
That would be fun, living with 420,000 cats. I would totally do that, but I don't think I would appreciate being called a crazy cat lady. Something about that gives me the heebie-jeebies. :C
ch3shire_c4t Report | 02/04/2012 2:08 pm
They should! In fact, they should be every month! People need to be more aware of just how damaging it can be to not get your pet fixed. A single pair of cats and their kittens can produce as many as 420,000 kittens in just seven years! That's a lot of homeless kitties! Think of the kittens! Cx
ch3shire_c4t Report | 02/02/2012 6:36 pm
My sister said the same thing when I said it to her too. Cx
But yeah, they do exist. Animal shelters or big names like the SPCA or the Humane Society of America will come up with things like that. I think there is an Adopt a Shelter Pet month too. Idk, I just kind of came across it today so whether it is a true thing I'm not sure. But let's just say it is! CCx
ch3shire_c4t Report | 02/02/2012 4:50 pm
Happy Cat Appreciation and Spay/Neuter Awareness Month, btw! >^._.^< <3
ch3shire_c4t Report | 02/02/2012 4:40 pm
Yesh! We'll be known as "Chocolate milk" and our album will be entirely recorded on an old computer and a tiny voice recorder. And we'll call it "Bad Milk" after our playing, and sell the records for chocolate milk in return. And we'll dress up as bottles of chocolate milk for our concerts. Sounds pretty good to me! C:

You know, that may be true. Let's just say my last visit to the dentist wasn't very good. O__o'



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