Mindee "Irma" Stepford

mindee stepford cuckoo's avatar

Last Login: 02/13/2021 10:52 am

Registered: 05/20/2008

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We Are The Three in One

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Sultry Criminal on 05/29/2024
Red XIII aka Nanaki on 11/07/2022
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Stepford Cuckoos

What once was 5 is now 3. We are the 3 in 1. Celeste, Phoebe and Mindee. In our dreams we have seen a new Dark Age. Now, something inside us wants to awake.
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Age: Unknown (appearing to be 16 or 17)
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 120lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde, Red, Black

Powers: Telepathy- the ability to read minds and project thoughts into others' minds. Diamond Form- The ability to transform their bodies into flawless organic diamond. Latent clairvoyant abilities.

Affiliation: Jean Grey School, Cyclops' team of renegades


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Link- The Hero of Legend Report | 03/02/2018 7:08 pm
Link- The Hero of Legend
Thanks very much!
I was so excited when I realised there was a prince Sidon companion. I only played BotW for the first time about a month ago and he really is one of the stand-out coolest characters XD
Pheromone Vixen Report | 06/25/2015 3:55 am
Pheromone Vixen
Hey there! I know you don't remember, but it was aaaages ago, I had a Mindee Cuckoo account on here, I was thinking of making a stepford sister again perhaps, but right now i'm making an Emma Frost Uncanny X-men cosplay (and rp) I hope you are well!
TChalla_Panther Report | 06/10/2015 6:36 pm
Hello dears, my name is T'Challa and I have an active Marvel guild if you are ever back on and wish to be in RP's the X-men could use you haha well get back to me and accept my request when you get back on
Witch Boy Klarion Report | 04/27/2014 9:49 am
Witch Boy Klarion
((thank you, my girlfriend actually designed it though so I can't take all the credit myself! haha ))
Symbiote Soldier Report | 04/27/2014 1:18 am
Symbiote Soldier
Weapon-X James Howlett Report | 03/29/2014 10:22 pm
Weapon-X James Howlett
Understandable just know roleplaying or not if ya ever need someone to talk to give the ol' canucklehead a shout wink
Quintavius Quire Report | 03/29/2014 10:21 pm
Quintavius Quire
He grit his teeth. The stupid thing knocked me on my a**, okay? This is why helping others didn't come second nature to him. Asking for help was one thing, but being mocked for it was another thing entirely. And y'know, what? Screw it. I don't need Cerebro to track people. If the three of you suddenly have a helpful change of heart, Alleyne and Dr. McCoy are wrist-deep in coding, trying to figure out why some of the ones and zeroes are arranged to look like crude hand gestures. Quire out. It was petty, sure, but now he could at least tell himself that he'd tried.
Weapon-X James Howlett Report | 03/29/2014 10:15 pm
Weapon-X James Howlett
D'aww what happened
Co-Head Emma Frost Report | 03/27/2014 4:58 pm
Co-Head Emma Frost
(Thanks~ still in progress a bit, but I'm glad it's passable lol)
Weapon-X James Howlett Report | 03/25/2014 6:16 pm
Weapon-X James Howlett
You quit Gaia ?
mindee stepford cuckoo
mindee stepford cuckoo


