Hiya lovelys, my name is "Minna"........not really but yoa go to get to know me to actually know me, ya know lol........well I'm 18 years old and I live in "______".......cant tell ya just yet well anyway I like to read some manga and I listen to almost anything except some rap........-_- ya know. I just graduated high school and I'm going to college with my best friend "roxy" hehe........of course thats not her real name but she learned some karate at our school and I dont want to get hurt XD even though she's short.....she's really mean lol jk. I hope after I finish college I become a hobbies are drawing and if i had a bike I'll go bikeing........I like swimming too, dosent mean I'm good but I still like to do it. I hardly have time to ever go swimming though cause i also have a job, cool huh..........NOOOOOOT!!!! XP. I hate it but pays the bills heh heh heh...........well thats all sweet hearts maybe I'll have more for ya later ......woot!!!