
Miracle2000's avatar

Birthday: 10/10


About me,

Hey yall Im Lena Kayahnna Fugate(:
Too start off ill tell you about myself(:
Im nice if i like you...If not im sure you will find out.
Ill admit Imma bitchXD
Im always textingg(: At times i love my life and other times i wish i was dead.
I dont like breaking ppls hearts but they sure do enjoyy
Breaking mine sad
Im educated at knox county middle school in Kentuckyy
Not too exciting...
Imma Alabama gurl but i now live in kentucky.
I always have my friends by my side and the love of my life.
Near.(: Some place far. We will one day be together i know.
I get mad and jealous way too easyy... and say stuff i dont mean.
But in the end im always sorry,
We could be friends so hit me up(:
1.He Respects me
2.He respects any desicion i make.
3.When im sad he holds me and tells me he will always be mine.
4.When i cryy, he tells me im beautiful.
5.When im cold he lets me wear his hoody and hugs me tight.
6.Kisses me in the pouring rain.
7.Takes of for me.
8.Tells me he loves me constantly
9.Never picks someone else over me.
10.When im mad he laughs and kisses me.
11.When i tell him to go awayy he tackles me on the ground and says no. haha...
12.never lets me down.
13.always here for me through think and thin.
14.would risk his life over me.
15.Holds me all night and looks into my eyes and tells me he loves me(:

All meeeee((((: