
mirokus_girl0908's avatar

Last Login: 01/27/2007 1:03 pm

Registered: 07/29/2006

Gender: Female

Location: Feudal Era with Inuyasha,Kagome,Shippou,Miroku and Kirara

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About Me, Sango-chan

Konnichiwa. As you probably know Sango-wa-Taijiya is the fighting side of Sango, I'm the village girl side of Sango, ok? just to tell u...
This is the story so far....

A youkai put a spell on Sango that separated her two personalities, into the ruthless Taijiya and the innocent village girl. So two Sangos, one soul.

Me, Personal Info-Name, Age, etc.

Name? = Josephine but plz call me Sango or Sango-chan. PLZ, no one calls me by my real name....well cept Liz/theasama/Kagome..sometimes.

Age? = 13,youngest age here... crying ...

What am I doing? = cosplaying+roleplaying the village girl side of Sango-chan with Sango-wa-Taijiya who's the demon slayer side along with others- Houshi-sama, Kagome-chan, Inuyasha, and Shippou.(Shippou-not really)

Love? = who?u mean who..rite? stare fine..I'll tell u....on a PM! Nah, it's Miroku and Jack Sparrow, and my other love is comedy!! ( funny makes me laugh,i love it,and i guess ppl who make me laugh or smile ^^ smile biggrin razz mrgreen lol...)

Need? =ur email-msn,if u have yahoo, I can only email you, not instant msg you..., if ur my fran and i added u and we're on each others frans list,add me,(MAIN account->) it's and (<-not main).

Whereabouts? : where else?with Miroku,Inuyasha, Kagome,Shippou,and Kirara

Noted that gaia is a life,where I cosplay+roleplay and talk bout stuff...and msn is my other life here,when i mean here i mean where i live, ppl here, my frans here, I just add u on msn so I don't forget about you if I have to suddenly leave gaia, plus you're my online frans!^.~

what else?o ya,and i forget stuff sometimes..but not ur names..w8,nvm,i do,cuz if ur cosplaying i just call u ur cosplay name...or i call you by your user.. sweatdrop and I'm chinese.

What Had Happened...

Naraku sets a trap for my village by luring the five best fighters (including my father, my brother Kohaku, and I) into leaving the village to go on a mission (which in turn is yet another trap). After the five leave, Naraku lets slip to nearby yōkai that the village is in possession of shards of the Shikon no Tama and that the village's best fighters are away. The yōkai are angry with the village because of their profession and a huge hoard storm the village without second thought. The villagers fight hard but eventually everyone is killed.

Meanwhile, the five who left the village defeat the spider demon terrorizing the Lord's castle and Naraku takes control of my younger brother Kohaku, and uses him to kill the two men accompanying the siblings and to kill their father. Next he orders Kohaku to kill my, and the boy wounds her in the back with his kusari-gama (chain-sickle). Naraku releases his control on Kohaku, and the boy realizes what he has done, and runs to me only to be shot with four arrows by the Lord's guards. I go to him and is in turn shot by three arrows and blacks out. The castle people believe all of the slayers to be dead and bury me. Later, I regains conciousness and crawls out of my grave to be found by the young Lord Hitomi Kagewaki who briefly tends my wounds.

Back at the village, the demons left alive are fighting over the jewel shards they've found. Naraku appears and absorbs the remaining demons, taking the Shikon shards.

Later, Naraku comes to the young lord and tells him that Sango's village was raided by a yōkai named InuYasha. I overhear this from where I lays inside and immidiately get up, despite my wounds. Enraged I demands my weapon and swears to kill InuYasha at all costs. Naraku is told to guide me to Inuyasha and I change into my battle gear and leave with him. They use horses for part of the journey, but soon they must walk and I had a hard time. Naraku offers to lend me a Shikon shard for the pain of my injuries and I accept.

I meet Inuyasha and the group not long after she leaves the castle. I immidiately engages Inuyasha in battle, though he is reluctant to harm her once he learns that she is being misled by Naraku. Miroku tries to use his Kazāna to draw my Hiraikotsu away from me, but Naraku is watching with a yōkai puppet and sends the Saimyōshō to deter Miroku from using his Kazāna. I keeps battling Inuyasha until he knocks my hiraikotsu away. I then use poison gas to keep him away. Naraku, meanwhile, has stolen Kagome's shards and orders me to remain and slay Inuyasha, then leaves. Suspicious, I send Kirara after him with orders to watch him. Miroku runs after Naraku as well. I attack Inuyasha again, using more poison gas, and this time Inuyasha knocks my mask off. I become very confused when Inuyasha grabs me and leaps out of the cloud of poison. I convince myself that he isn't trying to save me and stab him in the arm as soon as we land. InuYasha, rather nonchalantly removing the katana from his arm, bluntly points out that Naraku is tricking me and that I am bleeding badly. I was shocked to see that he was right, as I had felt no pain, and passed out. I wake up on Inuyasha's back with Kagome and Shippo as he runs after Naraku and is at first suspicious of his intentions. Kagome reassures me and I decide to trust Inuyasha for the moment.

Inuyasha fights Naraku with Miroku and Kirara. As they fight, Naraku reveals the truth about the attack on my village and the death of my comrades and family. I was shocked, but soon stands up to fight him. He laughs and the shard in her back falls out and is stolen by a saimyōshō. I fall as my pain returns and curses Naraku as Kagome tries to comfort me. Inuyasha and Miroku continue to fight Naraku, but when they cut off his head, he regenerates and I realize he is only a puppet. I tells Inuyasha how to defeat it, and he goes in for the killing blow. The only things left are Kagome's Shard, the shard that was in me, and a strange wooden doll wrapped in a strand of hair.

Later, the group returns to my village, and I realizesthey have already buried the villagers. Kagome asks me to join their group. I asks her about her shard and then decides to join them when she realizes Naraku will go after the shard.

The group learns from me that the Shikon no Tama has close ties with my village and i take them to a cave, where they learn about Midoriko and her battle with the demons (and thus the creation of the Shikon no Tama).

I does indeed join the group, but it is obvious that I am uncomfortable with them at first and would rather be alone with my sorrow. However, I do realize that staying with the others will give me the best chance of finding Naraku and avenging my friends and family, and later, I appreciate the others for the support and kindness they offer me.

I start as a happy, confident girl in my first episode, but this quickly changes once my entire village is gone and Kohaku is under the control of Naraku. My sorrow is so great that I rarely (if ever) smiles in my first several episodes and I am obviously tortured by the deaths of my family. As I gets used to traveling with Inuyasha and company, my grim demeanor softens somewhat. I smile and laugh more, and grow close to Kagome, who is my confidant.

I am confident in my fighting abilities and fights whenever I am needed to. I am kind, compassionate, and very honorable. I don't trust or make friends easily, but I protect the people I love fiercely. I almost always keeps a cool head in battle and is very intelligent (especially when my intelligence is measured against that expected of women from my time). When it comes to being a woman, I'm not used to doing the things normal women were expected to do, and sometimes this makes me self-concious. On the rare occasion when I gets very angry, I fight much better than normal (perhaps because I'm not being as cautious as I am normally is).
I develops feelings towards Miroku, these feelings grow deeper...

My Special attacks

* Hiraikotsu (Kanji: 飛来骨, Hiragana: ひらいこつ, English:Hiraikotsu Manga Boomerang Bone) - The name of my giant boomerang, and also the name of the attack using it. It was made from the bone of a yōkai, and this makes it nearly unbreakable and powerful. 'Hi-' means 'flying', 'rai-' means 'return' and '-kotsu' means 'bone', so the name can also mean "bone that flies back."
* Yōkai Paralyzing Poisons (毒分, dokufun) - my knowledge of various poisons (particularly ones that affect only yōkai) is extensive, and she employs a few different kinds throughout the series. I wear a custom-fit gas mask to protect herself from some of the more potent ones.
* Dagger gauntlet - Hidden in the sleeve of my kimono is a retractable dagger, but I rarely use it, unless my Hiraikotsu is knocked away. I also uses it for defense if the opponent gets too close.
* Katana - A weapon that I sometime uses in close combat or if I loses Hiraikotsu, but I prefers my main weapon.
* Chain- uses the chain as a whip and constrict foes.
* Kirara- My pet, a two tailed cat demon, who aids me in battle. Kirara can also fly, and is my main form of aerial transportation. She is also one of her most compationable comrades.
* InuYasha - InuYasha doesn't really trust me at first, but quickly comes to realize my value as both a fighter and a friend. He worries about me and protects in the same way he protects Kagome, though I can generally take care of herself. Both InuYasha and me are commonly found saving one another from peril. I had stated that I don't have a preference for which form InuYasha is in and will stand by him no matter what. This statement is often part of the basis for fanfiction pairings between Inuyasha and me.

* Kagome - I turns to Kagome for the occasional advice on/or sympathy for the predations of Miroku. In and out of battles, we also shares feelings about love interests and other important topics, such as the whereabouts of the Shikon Jewel Shards. In a word, Kagome and me are like foster sisters, with me being the older one and Kagome the younger. This means that I will always protect and help Kagome in any way I can.

* Shippō - One of my good friends and travelling companions, but Shippō is generally much closer to Kagome and Kirara.

* Kirara - My "pet", who looks like a small cat and can transform to a huge flying fire cat. Kirara is a nekomata demon. Kirara is fiercely loyal to me. It is hinted in the anime that Kirara was once the companion of Midoriko, creator of the Shikon no Tama, which would mean that Kirara is very old.

When addressing Miroku, I generally refers to him with the respectful term houshi-sama (houshi means Buddhist priest, and -sama is a respectful honorific), despite his rather perverted nature. Miroku, for his part, frequently gropes me when the opportunity arises, though I usually slaps him for it. Despite this, I display varying degrees of jealousy when Miroku pays attenton to other women 3nodding .

Despite my "cat and mouse" relationship, Miroku and I actually make an excellent pair in battle, and whenever the group splits up it's usually split between InuYashaXKagome and MirokuXme. Curiously enough, with all his groping and innuendo, Miroku doesn't ask me to bear his child (as he does with every woman he meets) until I demonstrates jealousy over his asking other women and finally brings the subject to his attention. Surprised, Miroku naturally asked the question, and I give him a typical response.
I accept Miroku's/his marriage proposal 3nodding Hai.

Near the end of the anime series (Episode #132) Miroku saves me from a poisoned egg which was causing me to repeatedly attack him. Unfortunately to do so, Miroku was required to defeat me in combat, causing physical injury to me. Guilty over his actions (his negligence led to my possession, he was required to hurt me to save me) Miroku gets me alone with him and asks me forgiveness. I reply that it wasn't his fault since I let my guard down. Mustering his courage, Miroku then lets his heart out to me and tells me that I'm the only woman he's ever loved. He then promptly proposes marriage to me (also asking me to have at least ten children with him), and I tearfully accepts. However, I follows up my "Yes" with the request that he stop asking other girls to "bear his child". His failure to directly answer me receives a dirty look from me, but nothing else.

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hostingyay!Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting]Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingUser ImagePhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser Image
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User Imageme in kagome's school! hey kagome,this feels..wierd wearing this kind of clothing...
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User Imageegyptian me...User Imageo.O Sango Hilton..User ImageUser ImageUser Imageme as sesshomaru...O.o
User Imagehalf personality,meXSango-wa-Taijiya
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human or demon form..kirara is my best friend..tho demon form is much better..!!
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........User Image
User ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser Imageagree what it says,lol
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O_O OMG, smile *kind* plz ignore the 'Wanted' word! if u r nice, plz ignore that. funny pic tho...

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He's dead once he touches me..., you know that right? ya. I say he will, you know his personality....gonna get clobbered
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Hm.??*looks back and sees Houshi-sama,blush*
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As you see...I trust him but...he's ya.. sweatdrop xd not my fault Miroku!!

Kohaku and I
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.Kohaku, my brother, finally found heart heart

future me.....if i can get it!....
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Item List:
Ancient Katana
Lex's Dark Gloves
Long Silk Skirt
Loose Knit Light Violet Top
Lunar Cloak
Pink Longjohns
Straw Hat
heart got from miroku_the cursed heart yay
Winter Fox Mink
Wooden Sandals

Estimated Total: 103,218 Gold
(Estimated with known item values on 16 December 2006)

well i tired...

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Item List:
Ancient Katana
Berry Snug Balloon Skirt
Black Web Bustier
Face Veil
G-LOL Blood Mistress Boots
G-LOL Blood Mistress Stockings
Lunar Cloak
Maroon GetaGRIP Gloves
Warm Punk Starter Pants
Winter Fox Mink

Estimated Total: 134,744 Gold
(Estimated with known item values on 01 January 2007)
This is like so hard..!! TT-TT, I'm getting my Hirakotsu first.

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Cool Sango-wa-Taijiya..! ^ ^

Sorry if I took 'em Sango...

^ ^, piccys..nice... razz smile
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...Nice!^ ^, lol
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What's wrong? Why'd Miroku get slapped? I don't see anything wrong..User Image

<3 Sango-chan's "diary" <3 have a look on my life, feelings, etc

View Journal

The Diary of a Village Girl

My feelings, life with Miroku,Kirara,Kagome,Inuyasha, and Shippou, i dunno.., what it's like with Miroku??, Kohaku, and some stories.


User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

..With the help of Kagome-chan,this is the future.Hopefully Miroku's Kazaana is gone

<3 Comments About My Profile! <3

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Kiyori Mikura Report | 12/30/2008 10:29 pm
Kiyori Mikura
It's unfair how Gaia doesn't let you delete your account =.=".

This is my hacked account, dropped way long ago :3. This is my current one, if anyone wants to saw hi or something. I dropped my mules or, rather, other accounts (Sango_teenager, and another Sango account with X's and "Sango-chan" in it.) only to get my belongings (not yet finished?).

Stinkin'ly unfair how you can't delete your accounts!!!
Saint Triton Report | 09/13/2007 4:17 pm
Saint Triton
MOMO ADACHl Report | 05/16/2007 6:32 pm
Undeniable Heroine Report | 04/08/2007 2:00 pm
Undeniable Heroine
Happy Easter! heart
Sereniy0913 Report | 03/06/2007 5:32 pm
Hi. I know it was back in December you commented me. You're right your profile is cool. Really nice graphics.
katkotsu Report | 03/02/2007 1:49 pm
This post really means something to me so you should feel it too!

1. At least 2 people in this world love you so much they would die for you.

2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.

3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you.

4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don?t like you.

5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.

6. You mean the world to someone.

7. If not for you, someone may not be living.

8. You are special and unique.

9. Someone that you don?t even know exists loves you.

10. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.

11. When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look: you most likey turned your back on the world.

12. When you think you have no chance of getting what you want, you probably won?t get, but if you believe in yourself, probably, sooner or later, you will get it.

13. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget about the rude remarks.

14. Always tell someone how you feel about them; you will feel much better when they know.

15. If you have a great friend, take the time to let them know that they are great.

Add this as a comment to ten of your friends tonight and at midnight your true love will love you. Something good will happen to you at 2:25 tomorrow. Get ready for the biggest shock of your life. Whoever breaks this chain letter will be cursed with 10 realationship problems for the next ten years tag ur it!!
DarkMagicianGirl87 Report | 02/07/2007 10:39 am
[~Sakura Hime~] Report | 02/01/2007 7:21 pm
[~Sakura Hime~]
kyaaaaaaaaa long pro
Kore Andromeda Report | 01/16/2007 10:15 pm
Kore Andromeda
Your profile is so coolio... I see something new every time I see it. ^_^
Kiyori Mikura Report | 01/16/2007 5:20 pm
Kiyori Mikura
Hm? Guys..this isn't my account anymore people if you haven't noticed...!

Mister Susan
Elf Alchemist
Mister Susan
miroku_the cursed
miroku_the cursed
miroku_the cursed
miroku_the cursed
miroku_the cursed
Elf Alchemist
Mister Susan

MirokuXSango-you supporters all the way!!

Miroku kono sukebe houshi!!! *slap*

demon slayer

village girl

we r Sango,just 2 diff sides of her

MirokuXSango-you supporters all the way!!

I love Miroku! ^.~ after all, i am Sango.

we r Sango,just 2 diff sides of her

Miroku kono sukebe houshi!!! *slap*

Ow,that hurt Sango-chan *rub face*


What do I do?, what do I do?, what do I do?!!! AHHHH!! *blush*

Ok, even though this is a family moment-Kohaku I are together, but..look at what's happening!!

Awwww! Kohaku looks/is sooooo cute!! ^ ^


<-Where we're standing Who's saying what->

srcoll all the way to the right to see whats the comotion..plz --->

Uhhh...this is a bit bad, isn't it?I mean...there's four Sango-chans, and only one Houshi-sama!!!Yes, wonder how you're gonna manage us..ha, lol, if he gets us pissed, he'll have 4 Sangos to deal with! XD

Wow - it's like a Sango party. How are we even gonna tell each other apart? Ah, isn't that what makes it interesting though?Four Sangos and only one houshi-sama, sounds like some strange lecherous fantasy eh? *smirks in amusement*

I love my Sango-chans/4 Sango-chans ^ ^

Great. :)

Horray! ^ ^

~*Miroku and My Wedding*~

*looks beside-wedding* Yay, great, it finally happened!!! ^ ^

*looks beside-wedding* Yay, great, it finally happened!! ^ ^
