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Kiro Kiyazaki's avatar

Report | 02/14/2008 4:50 pm

Kiro Kiyazaki

Awww, that sucks... children murdered me for candy XDD
Kiro Kiyazaki's avatar

Report | 02/14/2008 9:26 am

Kiro Kiyazaki

Happy Valentine's Day Kira!!

Hope you have a good day and a wonderful all you can eat candy fest XDD
Czarina Marie's avatar

Report | 02/14/2008 6:40 am

Czarina Marie

Happy Valentine's Day. User Image

Hope you have a good one!!

DarkStilleto's avatar

Report | 02/12/2008 11:19 am


Yeah Trig confuses me after awhile. Mainly because I don't remember what formulas are called but I know how they work.

Yeah the old school cartoons where alot better, and it's not just because we're getting older. They shows are just lame. Like Chowder for example. That is just a sad show. I don't really watch Nick or Disney (I actually turned those channels off on my tv lol) but I do not like how they both have so many live-action show. Very stupid shows at that.

Sadly even on EBay individual dvds of Reboot range from $40-$100 with out shipping. It makes me sad. I've been trying to find some to download but I can't find whole seasons just eps.

ToS is always fun, and I did hate that forest. Usually I hate forests in games. There just annoying. I've been absorbed into DMC4 this week. I really haven't been playing any other games lately. My sad GameCube is just sitting collecting dust. I should play it just to give it some use. Although I know if I start playing ToS I won't want to do anything else lol.

Well so far I have 4 authors that I like and only 1 of them has more than one series. One of them is starting a new series but it's not gonna be out till October I think. But for the one author that does have multiple series (Laurell K. Hamilton) I like both her main series. She did do some stand alone books. Those I didn't really enjoy as much. One of the stand alone books the ending totally pissed me off. I was seriously like why did she even bother with it. One of my other authors does her books as part of a universe rather then a chronological series, and changes character every other book. It works and keeps things interesting. So to answer your question I would say its not common for me, but then again I don't have that many authors that I follow.
PandaPandaChan's avatar

Report | 02/11/2008 8:21 pm


DarkStilleto's avatar

Report | 02/08/2008 7:56 pm


I've been bombarded again.

Sad thing is right now I could fail math even with out missing class. I hate Trig.

I think most newer cartoons are mostly comedy. I haven't seen a new a new cartoon show that I actually like. The newest cartoon I kinda like was The Batman. I liked how they made there own new story. What makes me mad is that I still can't find all of Reboot. I really want to own the show, but it was never fully released on DVD and the vhs are really expensive if you can find them. 1 VHS of Reboot cost 100 dollars. That's just so not fair.

I guess you'll get to it when you want.

Yes video game always overrides common sense. Especially now that I have Devil May Cry 3. It's so pretty.
DarkStilleto's avatar

Report | 02/03/2008 9:49 pm


Yeah, I step away from Gaia to play some games and get bombarded by comments.

I hate missing math class. I missed a class one day last semester and on the test I was totally lost. It was the first "F" I ever got on a math test.

Speaking of old shows I actually just downloaded all of Batman Beyond. It was cool when I found it. I like that Batman better than all the rest.

I own all KH games and some of the manga. I'm missing 2 volumes of KH, but have all KH2 and KH:CoM. Well KH2 is a greatest hits game. So it $20, and shouldn't be to hard to find. So since you have yet to update your PS3 what system version is it?

True, you don't have to crawl over people, but instead they would be crawling over you. . . I don't know which sounds better now that I think about it.

Sleep . . . sleep is not needed. I rent both those games thursday (Uncharted & Burnout) and I beat them(mostly) by Sunday. Uncharted I finished the whole story mode and just have some extra stuff to unlock. Burnout still have things to unlock but I finished my licenses. My friends came over Friday and didn't leave till Sunday at 4:00am playing games none stop. He left and I continued playing. It was a fun weekend. Now back to school and life. . . crap. lol.
Kiro Kiyazaki's avatar

Report | 02/02/2008 12:51 pm

Kiro Kiyazaki

so far so good, Programming is fun, english communications 2 is so-so, Business management is easy and fun minus the 2-3 paragraph discussions we have to do every week. And my database class i'm going to have to drop cause the program doesn't work on my computer.
DarkStilleto's avatar

Report | 02/01/2008 9:00 pm


Wow your comment was actually pushed pack to the second page. Good thing I checked.

I always go to school no matter if I'm sick. I don't like missing class cause it always happens that that day I missed something important that would be on a test and then fail cause I never knew it.

Yeah BP, was a good show. Although I would have to say now that the song is very addictive and drives itself into your brain.

If it lets you play KH you shoudl update immediately lol. I love that game. The whole series actually.

Aile seats are just annoying.

Sleepovers are fun. In my case it would be just friend coming over, us playing games and not stopping until 15hours later no matter the time.

I like how Kiro doesn't show up until I'm gone, and he knew I was gonna be gone too. I just rented both Burnout razz aradise and Uncharted biggrin rake's Fortune so I will be playing a lot this weekend, and won't be on Gaia much.
Kiro Kiyazaki's avatar

Report | 02/01/2008 4:13 pm

Kiro Kiyazaki

that's good to know... no more evil classes?
Kiro Kiyazaki's avatar

Report | 01/31/2008 7:06 am

Kiro Kiyazaki

surviving third year of college it's now the 4th week.... 10 more to go!!!
Kiro Kiyazaki's avatar

Report | 01/30/2008 1:38 pm

Kiro Kiyazaki

*takes one* thank you! so how ya been?
Kiro Kiyazaki's avatar

Report | 01/28/2008 5:40 pm

Kiro Kiyazaki

*comes out of hiding* HI!!!!
DarkStilleto's avatar

Report | 01/27/2008 2:43 pm


Good thing I don't get sick that often. I hate colds. Although it give me a reason to demands lots of ramen.

Banana Pope?! lol. Sadly that makes me thing of Bananas in Pajamas. . . That was a weird show. Random is the best.

Good luck. It's not that difficult I had to do it that way before I hooked my PS3 to the internet. I still do that it that way cause I don't feel like waiting for the PS3 to download the update so I just make my comp do it lol.

Oh yeah, oh so powerful. They would own all.

I like plan rides, but I hate airports. They annoy me, but planes are cool. Especially if you have a window seat.
DarkStilleto's avatar

Report | 01/26/2008 8:27 pm


No sitting in class with wet clothes was no fun, and it sucks even more because latter that day I came down with a cold. Which didn't go away until today.

Random unneeded innuendo are always fun. Actual, just random world can also be fun. One time in my Communications Class(Writing class they just give it a fancy name) my teacher was going over sentence structure, writing on the board, and I randomly blurted out "chicken". She actually wrote chicken on the board and then was like "wth, where did chicken come from." It was so funny I couldn't stop laughing.

Yay KH!! So you still don't have your PS3 connected to internet? You can get the update on your computer and then transfers it. (You probably already figured that out and I'm just late User Image .)

Oooh, a Vampire-Wizards. That would be interesting. Although some vampire powers are already powerful. So they don't really need the added magic, but it would still be cool.

I haven't been on many plane rides, but books and music are always a necessity.
DarkStilleto's avatar

Report | 01/22/2008 6:21 pm


Hehehe speaking of twirling in the rain. I got caught out in the rain going to class today. It was fun, but sitting in class wet wasn't. . .

Well I'm just gonna buy new glasses, and they probably will be expensive. But semi-luckily I'm getting money back from Financial Aid at school (scholarships and whatnot) so I'll be able to pay for my glasses with that. I wanna see if I can get my lenses so that when I go out into the sun they automatically tint in to shades.

Pssh I have a combination of bad hearing and bad memory. Random long conversations can be fun sometimes lol.

I do recommend DMC. DMC3 in particular. It is awesome and you don't need back story since it's a prequel to 1&2 story time-line wise. DMC1 was good and the first, but DMC2 was very lacking story wise and alot easier than any of the others.

Vampires, werewolves, wizards, magic. . . all good.

Aww, you get to go to Japan. I so wanna go. You could always reread one of the other Dresden books on the plane.
DarkStilleto's avatar

Report | 01/18/2008 10:53 am


Twirling around in the rain is always fun.

Sweet a week and a half of no classes, lucky. Not only did the sub speech monotone but he told stories about sweaters. . . that's just torture. Luckily I haven't fallin to sleep yet. Although I was actually 20minutes late to class yesterday because my glasses broke and I had to go back home and get spares.

Yeah accents are pretty, but when it come to teachers it sucks when they have thick accents. It's like you can't tell them to repeat themselves because you can't understand them cause that would just be rude. So you have to sit there and try to figure out what they said sometimes. As if the class work isn't enough work.

AH FF7, good times and very addictive. I was playing Devil May Cry 2 again cause I forgot how it ended, and want to see before DMC4 comes out. I finished it and now I'm ready for DMC4 yay. So can't wait.

I just started one of my vampire books yesterday, cause I just bought the second book in the series and hadn't even finished the first. So now I have to finish both of them before the third one comes out in April. Plenty of time given school isn't to bad this semester.
DarkStilleto's avatar

Report | 01/15/2008 3:13 pm


Oh yeah, all the colors of the rainbow and giant blocks to squish you.

I love rain. Standing out in the rain is so refreshing. But I probably like after the rain better. The few moments where the rain lets up and just a little sun comes threw the clouds and you can't actually see the rays.

September that's just unreasonable. I can't barely remember December, everything past November is long gone. Yeah I did have a good last day of break. So I've now been to all my classes and I know I'm gonna hate two of them. History and Web Authoring. Have you ever seen the movie "The Shawshank Redemption". You know how Morgan Freeman narrates the movie. Well that how my history teacher takes except he's more monotone and repetitive. I will fall to sleep in that class at some point this semester. And as for my Web Authoring class. The class is fine but my teacher has a thick Indian accent, and it's hard to understand half of what she says.

Oh, late. Now I get what you meant. Yeah usually when I'm gone from Gaia long it's because I am playing a new/borrowed/rented game.

Re-reading series is fun, but I probably shouldn't do it when I have a stack of books that I have yet to even read. Oh well, to late now. Already started. I usually don't forget to eat, but sometimes I do not put a book down once I've started reading it even if its late at night. Then next thing I know I finish the book and look at the time and it's 6:00. That's happen to me a couple of time.
DarkStilleto's avatar

Report | 01/13/2008 4:49 pm


Yup, lots of memories. Like the first time I got semi-drunk and play Mario Kart's Rainbow Road. . . the colors.

Actually I like cloudy days. Clouds are fun. It would be awesome to be able to ride a nimbus.

Oh man, what has chem done? Today is my last day of break *cry*. Tomorrow back to school. Evil mind-washing institution.

I recommend it. It was a fun game, and wasn't that difficult to beat. Although when I get it again I still have alot of flags to catch. There are like 400 flags in the game you can collect if you want. I got like pssh maybe 200 at the most. I was more concerned with finishing the story before I had to take it back. It had an interesting story actually. I didn't expect it since before I played it all the vids and reviews made the game look like it was in the past. The game I can't wait till it comes out is Devil May Cry 4. I want that game so badly. I'm gonna buy it the day it comes out. That's a game I won't just rent. I'm actually contemplating skipping school for it lol. Wondering where I go? You mean get my games? I rent from Hollywood Video.

I actually started one of my series over again. I wanted to start from the beginning and read all the books straight trough. Cause when I read them last it was as the books came out which was spread out with months in between releases. So I basically just doubled my pile of books to read lol. I say you can never read to much. . . unless you forget to eat.
DarkStilleto's avatar

Report | 01/10/2008 4:52 pm


I still have some of my older consoles. The only ones that are actually hooked up though are the N64, GC, and PS2. The others are put away in storage buckets. I plan keeping my old consoles until I'm old, and then play them as an old man. lol.

Three days of cold and that was it. Back to normal Florida weather. Stupid Florida winter is not long enough.

Well you seem to have a pretty busy school schedule this month. Sounds fun.

My book plan failed. Why it failed, because I rented Assassin's Creed (PS3). I just beat the game today so I may still have a reading day before Monday, but that game was fun. It's kinda the reason I haven't been on Gaia the past four days. I just had to beat it before I had to return it. That's probably the only thing I don't like about renting games, you have to take them back.
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