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Who I am: Ginny, Miss Weasley, Mel, Melanie, Melly, Melly Bug.

Status: Single
Age: 18

Other: 5'7'' ish. 120 lbs ish. Brown hair, short-longer in the front and spiky in the back. Glasses. Brown/Hazel eyes. Wears hoddies, jeans and t-shirts. Bi.

What I like: Music, books, movies, hanging with friends, writing fanfiction, swinging, being with my family, long phone calls.

What I don't like: rap, posers, wannabes, bullies

Currently Reading: Manimum Ride

What I eat: Anything really, I will try things once....dont like peas, beans, ham, spinach.

What I drink: anything that taste good.

What i want to do in my life: Drama things, band stuff

Favorite Harry Potter pairings to read about: James/Lily, Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, Harry/Draco, Draco/Ginny, Draco/Hermione, Sirius/Remus, Ginny/Hermione and anything with the twins.

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Mel's Journal

Im a huge band dork and I love Harry Potter, times a billjiltion!!!



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 02/23/2010 6:33 am


I'm not sure yet if I can be online tomorrow, so... Happy Early Birthday!!!!

LOL hope you enjoy it so much, get a lot of gifts and all that stuff xD

Take care, see ya later!

Report | 02/25/2009 7:51 am


Happy Belated Birthday.

Report | 02/24/2009 5:01 pm


Happy 19th! ^-^

o.o Today's my bf's 23rd. ;X

Report | 12/30/2008 10:04 am


Hahaha. Yes it was. ;x You know me. lengthy and wordy. ^.~

Ah, very nice. Peaceful that way too huh? XD

Right now my whole family, including some friends, have been trying to set me up with people. -.- Too busy with school and work. I barely have time for my pets, family, friends, never mind a guy in the picture. He'd just slow everything down. x.x

How's school coming along?

Report | 10/14/2008 4:26 pm


Tehehe, I know what you mean. It is why I rarely get on anymore too. ^^'

Aw, it sucks when people you only talk to on here you can't talk to them. =(

I know a lot of my friends back in Pennsylvania (Like Nathan) I can only reach through xbox 360 Gears of War, Rock Band, Team Fortress 2, and Halo 3, also MMORPG called Last Chaos, so I totally get how you feel. <333

Oh! Yeah. I forgot to tell you. Nathan and I had a deliberate thing going on when I was back. ^-^

How's your dating life going?

Report | 09/23/2008 4:14 pm


Hello there lovely lady. How've you been?
Dave Asakura

Report | 07/16/2008 6:11 am

Dave Asakura


Report | 07/07/2008 12:44 am


i wonder...do you remember me?
Lucaya laiquendi

Report | 02/13/2008 1:45 pm

Lucaya laiquendi

hi, how are you?

Report | 02/04/2008 1:38 pm


if u send this to 12 peoples and then press ctrl+w than you will get 40000gg it REALLY works!!!!