
Miss SeriousBreezy

Hi guys,I'm sorry to have to tell you this but I'm deleting my account.

Don't ask me why,I just am,
I wanna have fun the rest if this summer.
Not only that but I probably won't come
online too much during the school year
and I think I kinda screwed my account...
Sooo it's okay,don't be sad.
And don't ask for my stuff,I already gave
it to my cousin,that's why my avi is nekkid(duh)

And If deleting my account
doesn't work out,I just
going to abanden it.

Thank you to all the people who
sent me donations andwere my BFFS,
I actually apprteciate that,y'all
aren't the reasons I'm deleting my

Okay,BTW the main reason
I'm deleting my account
is because my mom wants me
too,and she thinks I should
do other things too...and
when I really thought about it,
I kinda agreed....