
i-er. Was not expecting such a vast change. (to me, it is a vast change. i'm very slow, like a hedgehog) I just log in and all of a sudden everything is very much quite different, and what with me being a luddite, it's all a little scary.

seeing Rina asking me to use "BBCode to make it look pretty".

i won't lie to you.

i don't even know what BBCode is.

I've been very slack on the gaia front.

i'll nag at my brother, and get him to teach me.

because lord knows, i have no clue.

so, yes. That is me "writing something about myself that i'd like to share with fellow gaians".

I wish to share that i am thick and do not understand.

I am, however, currently enjoying a lot of snow.

er. Thankyou!




Miss Mascara xXx
the meek shall inherit the earth...they won't have the nerve to refuse it.