
razz Welcome! 2 my STORE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!plezzzzzzzzzzzzzzz buy stuff if i have any thing on!!!! biggrin DDD ill be sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy if u buy something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! smile XDDDDDDD :3


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missinvisible123's avatar

Birthday: 08/15


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pple that r stalking me STALKERSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) haha ur a stalker!XD



heart heart heart heart heart heart
Put this on your profile if you love music

~~~~~~~~~♥♥♥ "~~"♥♥
~~~~~~~~♥♥♥ "~~~~♥♥
~~~♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ "'♥
♥♥♥~~~"♥♥♥ "~~~♥♥~~~♥♥♥
~~~♥♥♥~~~~~~~♥♥~♥♥ ~
~~~~~♥♥*♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ "

~Age Don't Matter~ Girl:Hey. Boy:Hm? Oh hi. Girl:Whats up? Boy:Nothing. Is there a reason your talking to me? Girl:Well I sort of like you. Boy confused ?? Girl biggrin o you like me back? Boy:Well um... You're 2 years younger then me. Girl:Oh. Boy:Yeah. Girl:Okay. Well I gotta go . Boy:Bye...
2 weeks later The boy saw the girl on the news,she hung herself.She left a note that said,"age shouldn't matter.I will always love you.". ....... 1 week later The boy was on the news,he hung himself too,but he wrote on the wall and said,"I was wrong.Age shouldn't matter.You were right.I love you forever and always.". if you Believe that age shouldn't matter,post this on your profile.
crying sad crying crying crying sad sad
║╩╣║║║║║ emo
Put this on your
site if you support
Emos .♥.♥.♥.
Emo doesn't mean you cut.
Emo doesn't mean you're gay.
Emo doesn't mean you're suicidal.
Emo is real.
Emo is people.
Emo is everything.
Emo is a label.
Emo is being free.
Free to be you.
Free to express.
Free to tell everyone to f*** off!!
Emo is just a word.-EMOS-
*Are not cry babies
*Do not always wear black
*Can be very nice people
*Don't always cut themselves
*Are not always depressed
*Can be happy too
*Are normal people just like you
(Put this on your profile if you agree with this.)



View All Comments

Alex94ax Report | 09/22/2010 5:23 pm
NP thnank you for selling cool
Kitikat516 Report | 09/12/2010 7:23 am
Friend Day! Time to send presents. Even if they are kinda crappy. At least they are thinking of you! 4laugh
ViciousPacifist Report | 09/02/2010 7:39 pm
yays whee
ViciousPacifist Report | 09/02/2010 7:21 pm
im not on your profile.... crying
Go Green For Money Report | 08/24/2010 3:07 pm
Go Green For Money
I sell this stuff so that you can weR IT! AND YOU ARE NOT EVEN WEARING IT!!! wHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Go Green For Money Report | 08/24/2010 2:59 pm
Go Green For Money
Thanks for buying!!


xX I3agel Xx

iM rachel!!

HEY im ellie!!

no1 understands no1 ever will ill stay shut out from this world in2 this world im inside a world of hatred and sadness only because in this world no1 cares

sometimes i cry 4 no reason but deep down inside there is a butch of them pple ask wats rong and i say nuthin thats becase sometimes there is nuthin rong

tears r wat the heart cant exspress

when i got mad some1 tryied 2 make me feel better....they should have left me alone....and i yelled at her and i am srry 2 who i yelled at

this monster will stay inside of me cause if i let it out no1 will besafe i not have control of it now so dont think i can control it when or if it comes out

‎"the secret side of me i never let u see i keep it caged but i cant control it so stay away from me the beast is ugly i feel the rage and i just cant hold it....i hate wat ive become the nitemares just begun i must confess that i feel like a monster theres no escape 4 me it wants my soul it wants my heart no1 can hear scream maybe its just a dream or maybe its inside of me STOP THIS MONSTER!!" See More

i just wonder how u can have so many people around u...but still feel so alone...

I guess its time to put on a happy face and pretend everything is fine and dandy...

Many words are said in silence.x

im tired of hearing "what's wrong" when im crying. I just want to hear,"what has to be done to make it better?"

i want out of everything,im exhausted and feel alone, betrayed and disrespected... i don't know what is bothering me

Im DONE with people who will never love me, will always take advantage of me, will never understand me & will always back stab me. Have a great life without me!

i know that when you hit rock bottom, wait for it, there's always someone there to kick you even further down !!!

has always been the one to help other people lighten up their day, yet when im feeling down, no-one, not even those they helped, care at all :'(

sometimes its better to be alone because then no one can hurt you

Inspire me. Motivate me. Pull me out of this hole i seem to have dug for myself. Its not how many tears i cry that measure my pain, but the amount i hold back.

why do I feel like there is no purpose to my life, nothing to look forward to and I really don't belong here?? I just feel so alone and empty inside!!!

im done with pretending and has decided to go back into my shell for safe keeping!

i wanted to go sit in my corner and disappear - then i remembered - no one notices me anyway...

there are times, i feel like i am facing this world alone...with nothing but tears, and stupid fake smiles

So Many times you have seen me laugh , and smile, but have you ever stopped and wondered is it Real?? Can you not see through the act, of how i truly am alone.

More than anything, all I have ever wanted is to be close to someone. More than anything, all I have ever wanted is to feel as if I wasn't alone.

It's hard when you always have to be the strong one, no-one ever notices when your not ok...

.u can love me or hate me..... .do i look like a give a fk ??

Sometimes I really want to punch you, but then I realize you have to look in the mirror every day and that's punishment enough.

thinks it's been too long since we sent a man to the moon. I have someone in mind...

empty is about as full as i feel right now

i may be smiling, laughing and it may sound like i am having the time of my life but have you ever really thought what goes on behind it :(

i milly!!:)

my 2 other gaias!add me!