What My World Consists of :

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^^^ My sister ♥
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^^^ My days @ the beach ♥
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^^^ Candy & teddys to cuddle w. every night ♥

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- Care to find me?
- Want to talk to talk to me more?
- Or just wanna contact me & make a new friend?

follow me on Twitter! : @_MisssMercedes
find my photos on Instagram! : @lovely_missmercedes
add me on Facebook! : trevinnna@hotmail.com

^^^ you'll find me on those more (;

Mercedes-Marie P. Carrillo
; idgaf .
Put yourself in MY shoes, before you judge me.

*Click One? (:
- Comment Me((: - Add Mee biggrin - leaveee , >: )

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North San Antonio Bound! ❤

i'm 4'11, & i'm old enough. x: * if its that important to you, ask me. (:
FACT#1:.believe me when i say im far too mature fr my age.
- bt, that doesnt mean we cant be immature together! #PartyWithMe! (;

history ws made, December 7!
A student in highschool.

i dance, i party & i drink.

- i'll only do hookah, bt then again, i'm down fr just about anything.

i'm easy to talk to, so try me. (:

- it's simple: respect me, & i'll respect you.
FACT#2: Trust isnt a right. To me, trust is a privalage.
- therefor, f-ck up w. me, your gonna have to gain back that trust. ( its not as easy as it sounds. )

Other than that, i'm a real nice, & laid back chick. ♥
You can either have fun w. me, or you can have the worst time of your life w. me.
- you decide.
HMU tho! ♥



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