
HEY HEY!! I am Melissa Lutes. I am 17 years old and A SENIOR!!! Class of 2010 baby!!! I love being a senior, its one of the best things in the world! I love to hang out with my friends and have a good time. My bestest friend in the ENTIRE world is Codi Jillian Schutt Black!! When we are together you will regret it. Her and I are SOOO much alike its crazy. We always hang out together. We have only been friends for about 3 years now. Its pretty funny cause we used to hate eachother SO much, but then that butt head came into my life and we became friends. Haha ya you know who you are! We have had our problems and differences but in the end it all works out. Anyways.... My best guy friend is Brady Borlace (TODD) lol. HAHA wouldnt expect it right? Well we never talk at school but we do talk. He is an amazing friend and is there for me when I need him. HAHA (just had a random thought) LOL. I love being around him, he just brightens my day! Brittany (Eddy) is my other friend! She is THEE CRAZIEST PERSON IN THE WORLD!!! Haha I met her a few years ago, and we have been friends since. She has the weirdest personality ever. HAHA we have ahd some crazy times together and also some very interesting conversations! Even ask Codi. (Poking causes pregnancy). Amanda ESTES (ED) ya she is so much fun to be around (especially on wednesdays) HAHA (inside joke smile ). Oh ya she has some VERY interesting dreams. HAHA me, her and brittany have had good times together our highschool years. And I am gonna be sad when schools over cause we might not talk as much.... BUT ANWAYS... HAHA. And Amanda Larmon (panda bear)! Wow... what can I say about her.... She is fun to hang around, except when she wants to CORRUPT ME!!! YA her plan is to take me somewhere and corrupt me not shocking I no right! Well we also have had some crazy and strange times! But thats what friends our for!! RIGHT??? lol. And NATASHA WHITBREAD (tashy smile ). Thought I forgot you didn't you???? HAHA this chick is one insane girl. She also tried to corrupt me!! And she KINDA has lol. I use to be this super shy girl that would only say a few things. And look at that I just can't seem to keep my mouth shut, which hasn't gotten me into trouble yet! She has known me for a long time. Before she officially moved up here. I love her to death. She is an amazing friend, and thinks i'm just a little bit on the insane side. HAHA. But ya I remember winter formal my freshman year.... Good times good times lol. All of them are there for me when I'm upset. They ask "whose butt do I have to kick?" lol. I will never forget any of them!!!!! I love them all, they are the best of friends!

Well here's a little bit more about me... My favourite colour is blue. I love to you proper english... JK. My favourite rollercoaster is X2. I have 8 siblings (crazy parents i no!!!), 5 sisters and 3 brothers, suck to be them jk. I love dogs! I have 2 cats that are mine and noone elses!!!! I have a total of 4 cats, now 1 dog, 1 fish thats been with us for a while now, and 1 crazy rabbit. I share a room with 2 sisters...... My birthday is FEBRUARY 25, 1992. I love to play soccer. I've been playing for over 7 years now!!! I love listening to music. My favourite song is Love Story by Taylor Swift. I love listening to country music, hip hop, alt. rock, and all except metal of any sort. My favourite bands are Sugarland, Rascal Flatts, OneRepublic, Plain White T's, and 3OH!3. My favourite quote is Love is like a Rubix Cube, there are countless numbers of wrong twists and turns, but when you get it right, it looks perfect no matter what way you look at it. Oh ya I almost forgot my middle name is Sherry after my grandma!!! Well if you want to no more (haha) than just email me or text me! And if you don't got my number just ask and i'll most likely give it to you! Well ~Peace Out~]