Lovely Intention on 07/15/2023

Mister Heiro

Mister Heiro's avatar

Last Login: 12/18/2014 9:50 pm

Birthday: 12/19/1987

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Somewhat About me

Loves: My Dad, My Best Friend.

Formal Hobbies: My Video Games, My Anime.

Casual Likes: Some TV Shows and Movies, Some Music, Some Online Videos, Drawing.

Indifferent: Cooking/Eating, Sleeping, Cleaning, Planning, Most Music.

Dislikes: Most TV Shows and Movies, Most Online Videos, Being Hurt.

Ambition: Being able to talk right to people.

Other People = Comments, Me = Journal-type thing

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Mister Heiro Report | 11/07/2013 4:12 pm
Mister Heiro
i still love my friend even though they're busy all the time, i feel better (than that last comment) though because we still can talk sometime hopefully
Mister Heiro Report | 07/29/2013 6:32 pm
Mister Heiro
please kill me
Mister Heiro Report | 09/24/2012 11:01 am
Mister Heiro
I really love and care about my friend.
Mister Heiro Report | 09/06/2012 3:23 pm
Mister Heiro
I'm not really sure why I decided to update my profile, oh well.
Mister Heiro Report | 05/28/2012 1:49 am
Mister Heiro
I could just say I deserve having friends who like me and make me comfortable with reality, but why does it feel like I don't to me? I could detail all the communication I've been having but if anyone can understand it's like I've been alone without any. There's nothing in between the lines or left to assume, saying because I'm insecure.
Menou Rontu Report | 04/18/2012 6:28 am
Menou Rontu
._. that person on omegle was just f--in around with ya
Mister Heiro Report | 03/08/2012 8:57 pm
Mister Heiro
i lubbie my best friendy o.o
Mister Heiro Report | 03/07/2012 3:53 pm
Mister Heiro
help me its hurting
Mister Heiro Report | 03/03/2012 6:20 pm
Mister Heiro
I'm feeling weird... after all this why don't you send me hugs or well wishes emo
Mister Heiro Report | 02/11/2012 7:33 pm
Mister Heiro
I want to talk to my best friend so much, if only I was lucky enough to get the time.. I would at least try not screwing up, ugh I wanna talk so bad, I love my besty so much x_x

A St. Patrick's Modern Day Analysis, An Article by MH

Saint Patrick's Day, a cultural and religious holiday celebrated internationally on the 17th of March. It's a real holiday commemorating the real Saint Patrick, which is recognized as a public holiday in the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Montserrat, and has generally become accepted worldwide as a celebration of Irish culture in general.

You can look up all the details of its origins on Wikipedia or your preferred online resource. While there are not many people who haven't heard of this holiday, there are plenty who are not aware of the sorted details and long historical religious significance it has had.

In modern times there are many people especially in the United States, which despite having its own history with the holiday, who know little more than the significance of the color green and, for many, the copious consumption of alcohol that is synonymous with the holiday to them. These deviations can be seen as insulting to an actually religious holiday, but couldn't the same be said for the rather popular reputation Christmas has with many, especially the nonreligious?

Indeed, for many people St. Patrick's Day conjures up thoughts of "green beer" such as these two Boston frequenters, who comment on the random connection chat website Omegle that they "don't even know what st paddy's is anymore".

Omegle, which in no way necessarily represents the public in general, does represent a common demographic of people, those who wish to fill time by chatting with strangers online. As the writer of this article I have taken it upon myself to pose the question to these totally random individuals, "What do you think St. Patrick's Day is for most people?" And indeed, many responded quite frankly towards their belief of its significance to alcohol. Some even acknowledging the change in meaning it has taken.

And while many have, in usual internet form, been quite rude about the Irish and their nationality's own perceived connection to alcohol, many answers were read and a few people making the same connections between the holiday and alcohol have claimed themselves to be Irish. Going as far to say by one random stranger, "Coming from an Irishman, there's not much more to it."

While it may be unknown the authenticity of these answers, another question was posed to these random people, namely what they would say to someone who told them they were offended by saying St. Patrick's Day is kind of for alcoholics, assuming they understood it was meant as a comment about the holiday's modern interpretation. And while many were somewhat rude about just telling that person to "get over it" there were those who understood "its just a joke", an unfortunately true one about the popular meaning to this holiday.

However, one answerer put it best when they said "If they were offended then I would say sorry that they were offended."