Mister Mammal

Mister Mammal's avatar

Registered: 04/22/2012

Birthday: 08/29


Everyone thinks... Maybe it's about exactly what they'll do with their life. Or what sort of life they will lead. Or maybe something as simple as wondering if they locked their car or have to set up a doctor's appointment. They have thoughts swirling around in their heads just as mine and yours. Isn't that crazy? The fact that we as humans understand the world in a unique way, that the universe isn't shared but individualized to how much of it you grasp onto? It's just peculiar, to me atleast, that we are all cognitive beings with the ability to reach as far as our own brain allows us and gain as much information and knowledge through experience and study. Each and every one of us, from the guy you watched spill coffee on his lap this morning on his way to work, to the old woman shuffling across the street, the child playing in the park, the teens talking in the school yard and the man closing his blinds all lead their own lives. And yet these people are just extras in the movie of your life, of my life and you are an extra in their life. These people are the people you see once, maybe twice in your life and never again. Your two universes intersected for just one to two seconds and you'll never intersect again, like millions of dangling strings that get wrapped up together be it by accident or by purpose of something higher. Maybe I'm stupid, maybe I'm just fascinated by seemingly insignificant things. But I think that is cool as ********. Sonder.

My original account is The Red Wolf Mercenary but I left it for this one.