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workings of an emo

i have a broken heart, an emo tear in my eye and lately all i have wanted to do is die.... i cant think of what eles to put here at this moment....


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Spriteless Girl Report | 08/16/2010 10:15 am
Spriteless Girl
That picture near the bottom of your profile... a werewolf that chained herself up so she doesn't rampage is a powerful image.
Knight of Hamelin Report | 01/29/2009 5:14 am
Knight of Hamelin
s0 emo..-_-
Crisseo Report | 01/20/2009 7:16 pm
how are you? smile
smexii_chii_angel_king Report | 06/21/2008 2:55 pm
im leaving now
smexii_chii_angel_king Report | 06/21/2008 2:54 pm
v.v cuz its my last night on and im leaving (///.-)(-.\)
smexii_chii_angel_king Report | 06/21/2008 2:11 pm
going to go take shower pix x]
smexii_chii_angel_king Report | 06/21/2008 11:53 am
they r wicked cute
smexii_chii_angel_king Report | 06/21/2008 11:37 am
wats the name of that item the little kitties
ChazyD Report | 06/21/2008 4:16 am
hi, nice to meet u, ur life same some wat bad, but, it ok. ^^
smexii_chii_angel_king Report | 06/20/2008 9:49 pm
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mistress_doomed_heart's avatar


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My name in real life is mirra but I go by Pixel (given by my friend Zak), Mii, Miyan, Mya, (special few) Mii-chan, and a few other things.
I'm 18 and way happy about it. I don't talk to many younger people unless they can speak proper and hate an over usage of text talk. I get upset easily and normaly some kind of drama is happening in my life.
Lately I am having trouble beliving in love since the person I love seems so far away from me emotionaly and physicaly. Also every time I tell him I love him he never responds to it so I wont say those words again because it makes me want to cry every time he shrugs them off like their just words.
Another thing that has happened that brings me way down right now is.. I just found out that a girl I went to rehab with and became good friends with passed on. She OD'd and her parents just notifyed me of this. On Tuesday, June 11 2008 she over dosed and died shortly after in her bedroom. Her body was found roughly around 4pm and I was told the following day. I lost my best friend and someone I cared for deeply that day and things will never be the same. I hate drugs now but still I can't help but drink.
My mood will be out of it and I may start crying at random moments just to warn all.
If you want to know more than just message me or what ever.
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Dance, I command thee all to dance randomly!
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~Saying of the week~
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This is the current rally rp i am doing

Life went on and as it did things became harder. Strain between races made times rough as humans contiued to try and wipe out all those that were "diffrent". Soon only one city was left untouched and still standing in one peice. Surviors of other villages and cities were sent to this safe haven as a hope to not let them die out. To their suprise a camp was set up near the city were guards and scientists took refuge, they had hope to control these final surviors of the war. The scientists preformed experiments on those that were captured and brought into this place, making them stronger and trying to use them as weapons.
Run down city, electricty comes and goes, its set in early december and snow flurries comes occasionly, theres several abandon stores, buildings, homes, and some have labs were people were experimented on. there is a ppond with a river running out of the woods next to the city and a wall that reaches nearly 100 feet surronds the city, pond, part of the river, and forest.

Profiles for rally rp (pm if you wish to join our rally rp)

feel free to add things
character name:
abilities and weapons:


~ Female Characters~
username: mistress_doomed_heart
character name: Miyan Sukan
age: 118
race: shapling
Bio: Miyan was daughter of an Elder (highest people in her race) and grew up away from others. Never knowing what it was like to have a friend or be loved she is a bit confused emotionaly about how others act torwads her. She can be shy at times but other wise is a fun loving spirit. During a great battle her village was destroyed and now she is the last of her kind.
abilities and weapons: changes appearance, can control shadows, create portals when at full energy, is quite strong, able to move at fast speeds, and can talk to others through thought.
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"Good personality"
Gaian Username: NuRyu
Character Name: Miu
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Race: Human with Draconic Heritage.
Biography: Her Great-Grandmother is a full blooded Red Dragon, so Miu has some of their strenghts without a dragonish apperance. She has excelent senses and can regenerate lost limbs (although it takes a few days), she's also uber resistant to alchol (she has to drink a whole barrel to get drunk). She developed her split-personality when she was kidnapped from some thieves, in which Xio killed them. She switches over to Xio when she's extreamly scared or angry.
Appearance: With a little bit of Dragon blood in her veins, she has a kind of exotic beauty about her. Her eyes are the color of dawn and have slited pupils.Her hair is tied back with a blue ribbon. Cup size B.
Weapons: Indestructible parasol.
Special Abilities: Defensive magic, comunicate with animals.
Likes: Animals, girls (but she's too shy to approach them), liquor
Dislikes: Men, rudeness, insects.

"Bad personality"
Gaian Username: NuRyu (obviously)
Character Name: Xiong (or Xio for short)
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Race: Human with Draconic Heritage
Biography: She developed in Miu's mind after Miu was kidnapped by some ruffians. Xio switches over to Miu when she's sad or just bored.
Appearance: Almost the same as Miu, but her eyes are the color of dusk and her nails get longer and a little claw-like. Her hair is pulled back in a ponytail. Cup size C.
Weapons: Two hooks on chains attached to shackles on her wrists, it's all mythril but colored like iron. She can change the lengh of the chains at will.
Special Abilities: Ice magic (formidibly strong), Symbology (not so good at).
Likes: Girls (she's more "bold" than Miu), fighting.
Dislikes: Cutesy things, men.
username: mistress_doomed_heart
character name: Professer Jenn
age: 24
race: human
abilities and weapons: throwing knives, stun gun, dagger, small ball that when thrown it explodes into a net, also a number of syringes filled with diffrent things.
info: she is a guard and also head scientist from the lab. cruel and harsh she is not swayed easliy into letting creatures go.
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username: mistress_doomed_heart
Name: Vivian but Viv for short
Age: 23
Race: werewolf
Gender: female
Sexuality: bisexual
Bio: She lived in the forest with her brother after being born into a wolf pack. Their pack was killed by hunters and Vivian and her twin were the only ones left. They trained every day to become stronger so they could protect others that needed it. Vivian was shy about getting near men, especialy after seeing what her brother did to his future wife. Since that night she travled with her brother, avoiding becoming close to other in fear she would hurt them.
other: her and her twin Zane are known as 'The Twins of The Moon'
weapon: He carrys a light weight sword and a shorter dagger that she keeps in a double sheath on her back, other than that she uses her lighting fast reflexes, unusal strength, and her wolf forms.
personality: Vivian is shy and distant. She doesn't let many people get close to her emotionaly because she is afraid of them. She is soft spoken and hates to fight.
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~full on werewolf form~
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~wolf form (only pups so she is small)~
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Username: Pyro-Darkheart
Character name: Nico Vanderless
Age: 19
Race: Human / Neko
Bio: Being born to a man named Dareth, Nico never got to know her mother. She died at birth and Dareth took her in. Nico grew up away from the rest of the world in a large cabin in the forest. Her 'father' liked to experiment with animals and used Nico in one of his. Introducing a Cat's DNA into her she took on the appearance of one. Hating her 'father' she ran away and began living by herself. One day she saw a man in a suit of armor, and instantly fell deeply in love with him. Now following him, she is determined to make him hers.
Abilities and Weapons: Because of the Cat DNA she has fast reflexes, great hearing, and is very flexible. Her weapon is a small dagger which is always hidden.
Appearance: (Dislikes clothes as you can see... O.o ~ o.O)
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~Male Characters~
Gaian Username: Evil Children
Character Name: He forgot it.
Age: 20?
Gender: Male
Race: Day-walker Vampire
Biography: He is a full-blooded day-walker Vampire who gave up his name and his ability to age to become a necromancer. He used to be among the top ranks of Vampire in his village, Elder, but they drove him out when he dabled in the human magic of Necromancy.
Appearance: He looks about to be in his twenties, he has slightly attractive appearance. He wears a long black cloak in which he carries a large number of weapons, and a scythe on his back.
Weapons: Scythe, syringes, poison, knives, claws, bite.
Special Abilities: Animate dead, summon undead, control undead, rebuke undead, speak to dead, create undead, and Vampiric abilities.
username: MANDYME
character name: Jakki
age: not sure, but thinks he's around 17
race: Pyro
bio:Jakki was adopted. His real parents were never traced. The day he dicovered his powers he left to discover who he really was. He was never known to smile, some say he doesn't even have a personality. One important thing to know about Jakki. He has a temper problem.
abilities and weapons: Ability to control and create fire.
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Username: Pyro Darkheart
Character Name: Alphonse Darkheart
Age: Uknown, even to himself
Race: Vampire-Human / Cursed
Bio: He is the sun of a pure vampire named Piro Darkheart. He is the only child of the family and left quite some time ago. During his journey's he found a sword laying on the ground and picked it up, the demonic energy instantly flowing through his body. HIs right arm, being transformed into a semi-demonic limb. At times the limb is hiden by his skin but it also can come out unexpectedly. His mind is constantly in a battle for his own will. Rarely sleeping, he is always tired.
Abilities and Weapons: His weapon is a very large sword, that only he can lift for some unknown reason. It Looks like it has a demon eye in it, but at the same time not. He can often control peoples emotions and get into their thoughts. A lot is still unknown to him but once in his life, he brought back a friend of his to life.
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Full demon form:
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username: mistress_doomed_heart
Name: Zane
Age: 23
Race: werewolf
Gender: male
Sexuality: bisexual
Bio: Zane was born in a wolf pack with his twin Vivian. They grew up in the woods, training to become great warriors. He did fall in love once but she was of a diffrent race and one night.. one night when they spent the night together he lost control. He turned into a full werewolf form and ripped her apart. His sister came in and she saw the mess he made. After the disposal of the body they went on the run to hide,, since then Zane has felt he owes his sister his life.
other: Him and his twin, Vivian. Are known as 'The Twins of The Moon'
weapon: He carrys a light weight sword the he keeps in a sheath on his back, other than that he uses his lighting fast reflexes, unusal strength, and his wolf forms.
personality: Strong willed and ferice he has trouble letting people get close, he fears for his twin and will lay down his life for her.
Appearance: ~human~
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~full on werewolf form~
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~wolf form (only pups so he is small)~
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username: Mistress_doomed_heart
character name: Alva
age: old as time itself
race: shapling, vampire
bio: Alva is a loving person who nearly died during the last battle in his village. While he searched for his family he was distracted by a beautiful girl being beaten by a guard. He went to rescue her but by the time he got there she was gone and he was left in the throw of battle. A sword was plunged into his heart in a attempt to kill him but all it did was awaken his shadow side and kill numerous amounts of people. Now every day he searches for the girl with the mysterious arua in hope to find the one that stole his heart with a single glance.
abilities and weapons: change shapes, has a shadow demon he uses to battle people, control shadows, makes portals, and also he has a key that he keeps on a chain around his neck and it changes form into any weapon he wills it to.
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(Purple hair is me) (pink hair is jessica) (We really did have these colors for our hair color when we first met in rehab.) I loved you like a sister, Treated you like a friend, Hope we meet in heaven, Because our bond will never end.