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♥ miSz kisS ♥

miSz kisS's avatar

Last Login: 04/11/2008 10:48 pm

Gender: Female

Location: ♥+ Dava0 Xite3h, PhiLippinEs +♥

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♥ mE ♥

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-=wAs b0Rn oN jULy 14tH 1990=-
-=dReaM oF ReaChiNg aNd gEtTinG mY goaLs iN Lyf=-
-=hoPe t0 bE sUcceSSfuL iN ThE FuTuRe=-
-=pRaY tO FiNd mY souLmaTe=-
-=wiSh t0 FinD HappinEss iNspiTe oF s0 ManY UnFortUnaTe HappEninGs iN mY LyF=-

-=mErRy ChriStNeL TinGa CiMagALa=-
-=cUrrEnTLy 17 YeArS oF aGe=-
-=d eLdeSt ChiLd=-
-=vErY SeLosA WeN iT c0mEs tO evRyThinG pw0 iM noT fUnd oF sHoWinG mY eMoTioNs eXcepT wEn iM rEaLLy mAd=-
-=vErY MaArTe WeN iT c0mEs tO fo0D=-
-=vErY MapAgbiGaY pAg NsA go0D mo0D=-
-=vErY pRanGkA pAg d Q nA mApiGiLan=-
-=vErY mArTiR wEn iT c0mEs tO mY fAmiLy, sPeciALLy tO mY m0m=-
-=vErY TamAd=-
-=vErY m0odY=-
-=vErY oPen MinDeD=-

i LoVe:
-=GrEenS anD br0wnS=-
-=t0 DanCe=-
-=t0 pLaY InTeRneT OnLinE GamEs=-
-=t0 sLeeP=-
-=t0 EaT=-

i HaTe:
-=GeTTiNg HuRt (no one lYkS to GeT huRt?!?! do U?!?!)=-
-=bEinG annoYed=-
aLL i CaN sAy Is...
ManY Pe0pLe HaTeS mE 4 hU i Am...
bUt i DonT CaRe
aS LoNg aS i HavE mY
BesT FriEndS,
br0 eN siS,
anD GOD...

iM n0T aFrAid...
c0Z iM noT Lo0kiNg 4 s0mEonE
hU wAnTs tO ChanGe me,
bUt RatHer,
s0mEonE Hu AccEpTs mE 4 hU i Am...

s0 foR The pe0pLe hU doesNt LikE me?!?!?!

(..!..) pUnYeTa!!!

bLehhhh.... (^^,)

~mS. ShY~

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