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.:Human Information:.

Name: Momoko Haretoshi
Meaning: Peach Sunny City
Sex: Female
D.o.B: 8/24
Blood Type: O-
Nationality: Japanese/American
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan
Age: 15
Hair Color: Blonde; Reaches her lower back
Eye Color: Baby Blue
Body Type: Average with a medium chest and a curvy waist
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 103 lbs
Object of Affection: N/A


.:Mew Information:.

Alias: Mew Peach
Hair Color: Citrus orange
Eye Color: Soft yellow
Animal DNA: Cozumel Fox
Mew Mark:
Signature colors: Light orange and Lemonade
Outfit Design: w.i.p.
Weapon: Peach Scepter; Resembles a flute
Ribbon Peach Surprise - An attack in which Momo waves her scepter around, thus the crystal star atop of her weapon glows brightly, releasing a million little star shards which paralyze the opponent at contact.
Ribbon Peach Surge - An attack where Momo spins around, little stars coming from her weapon and falling onto the battleground and whoever else she wishes, healing them.

Other: Momo will obtain fox ears and a fox tail when she is extremely embarrassed or startled.
