oh lord...

wahmbulance i'm a crazy bag of fun !

Top Ten Things About Me
10: My favorite colour is red.
9: Currently in the 8th grade taking highschool courses smile (smart - a**)
8: Super Mario Bros. ROCK MY SOX.
7: My name is Quency :3
6: My best friends are Catherine & Aliyah. *And I have a buddy named Caleb:3
5: My fav animal is a turtle.
3: Music is my LIFE smile
2: When I have kids I'm naming Aubriegh Kay, Miranda Camille, Samantha Jocelynne, Franklin Thomas, Gregory Drake and Allen Carter.
1. i heart you oh so very much smile !

10. I am in the 10th grade.
9. I spend too much time on Tumblr, YouTube, Instagram and Twitter.
8. My best friends are Aliyah, Catherine and Tay Tay. :3
7. I'm much more serious and mature than I was when I first made this Gaia account.
6. My favorite show is Skins.
5. I'm sad a lot.
4. I'm hoping for the best, expecting the worst.
3. I've had this account since 2009 (or 2008 idk)
2. I only want you...
1. I have no clue who "you" is.