AbouT Deh BisKuT

HEY EVERYBODY!!!!..well im Matt but everybody calls me BisKuT

I am a VERY RanDoM person and everyone says im hillarious so I guess I kinda fit th whole funny fat guy steriotype T.T
I LOVE to laugh and I have a very good and different sense of humor so when im with my friends we can bust a gut to the most random s**t XD!
I do wat I want and I wear wat I want and if people think im EMO or GOTHIC just because i dont wear stupid stripped Hollister shirts with the collar popped and cargo shorts with "stunna shades" while i listen to GAY a** rap on my I-Pod Nano and try to act "gansta" Then they can claw their own eyes out while drinking Drain-O cause I HATE that whole thing and will never revert to being that stupid,blind,and low ^-^.
I think way to much about mostly my life,the world,certain situations,and WTF IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE lol
My "GOLDEN MOMENTS" in life are when im with my friends,if i dnt have them id b in a corner with my eyes burned out from all th bordom @.@


I LOVE Video Games [HALO 3!!!!!!!!!!!!] games like: Halo [THE WHOLE TRILOGY CAUSE EVERY SINGLE ONE KICKS SERIOUS a**!!!],Gears Of War,Zelda,Clive Barker's Jericho,Guitar Hero,The Darkness [A GOOD GAME],Resident Evil,Kingdom Hearts,Devil May Cry,Super Smash Brothers,Metal Gear Solid,Call Of Duty,CrackDown,Silent Hill anything shooting or adventure.


I LOVE music my fav bands: COHEED AND CAMBRIA!,My Chemical Romance,Circa Survive,Bright Eyes,KoRn stuff like that.
I also dont enjoy country either but its not as bad as rap.
Ive found out that every cowboy/goatroper thinks they can sing like Garth Brooks lol.
I am kinda a "ROCK VETERAN" and I have to thank my mom 4 that,when I was a fetus she would let me listen to it and now that im out and about we rock to it and quiz each other ^-^


I also like anything from that whole genre like Ren And Stimpy and Rocko's Modern Life, anything from my generation and to present days standards "Too disturbing and inappropriate for children" ^-^


I LOVE ANIME and MANGAS yes im a anime fan boy lol and PROUD OF IT! ^__^ my fav shows: RUROUNI KENSHIN,Fullmetal Alchemist,Shin Chan,DeathNote,FLCL,Samurai Shamploo,Chrno Crusade,Eureka Seven,YuYu Hakusho well u get th ideo ^-^

RanDoM FaCtoiDs

I sweat ALOT! lol
I HATE posers just how they try soo hard to be something their not or say they do this just so someone will like them JUST BE YOURSELF DAMN!
People who think they're better then everyone else and ridicule others make me blind with rage >_<
I cant stand the word PWND its stupid and too many noobs use it
Flava Flav is ignorance in a can..100% PURE STUPIDITY
My favorite part of a comedy movie is the Gag Reel and I usually watch it 3 to 4 times ^-^
I want to brutaly murder all the Kids Bop kids RRRG >.<
I HATE how everyone puts god in their "who id like to meet" section,its not like hes gonna float down on a cloud and take u out to eat >.<
I love the classic Nutty Butter bars i thought they were gone 4 good until kasey had them now my love is back ^-^
I can imitate a guitar PERFECTLY with my mouth [its a gift >.>]
I tend to recite lines from popular shows like Family Guy,Futurama,Robot Chicken,or South Park, really anything on [Adult Swim]
I have a fetish for horror/comedy movies
Well thats about it for me i think u can get an idea from wat ive given u or atleast i hope so