MMD warrior

MMD warrior's avatar

Last Login: 05/12/2011 2:15 pm

Registered: 01/20/2011

Gender: Male

Birthday: 09/08


About me...

~well im a bit of a tech geek, and i do run websites like: and this particular site belongs to a global trophy company that just needed my help (family owned so i never received any benefit directly) well if you can manage to fit in being a jock... i know that geek and jock dont mix too well... idk how i exist xD i play football, (American) lacrosse, and basketball. Although you may see three sports, it used to be more. i didnt start lacrosse till this last year, and i got the "steam roller" award, but i plaid soccer for four years and hockey for 2.~ im not one who is caught up in his work all the time luckely, and i support many friends who look at me for guidance or just talk if they want/need someone there for them. if anyone reading this needs me, you pm me or text me 5202612817 and just let me know whats going on! i like to help... im actually getting bored of myself xD


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Stealer Of Nobody Souls Report | 01/26/2011 5:11 pm
Stealer Of Nobody Souls
I'm bored of you >.>


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Under the death of hope lies the one true to a heart.
Beneath the power shoves thus apart.
Shall it be art, or just a painful dart?
This is to be contemplated, depart