
Mommacento's avatar

Birthday: 04/01


Recent Visitors

iMulti_Cosplay on 03/29/2023
Punkin Tits on 11/19/2022
Hospitaliers on 11/05/2020
Babadoobieda on 05/23/2020


Hello and welcome to my profile, My name is Pearl but my nickname is Mommacento..funny nickname isn't it? Anyway, i am the Mother of Cresento the pride and joy of my life that i love so much and cherish him with every moment i have with him.
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If you wish to talk to me Please PM me and Message me so we'll get to talk more for tea time!.

Things to know about Mommacento:
Lives in Barton town (Residential Area) close to the Barton shores.
The Mother of Cresento (and adores her son-in-law Nicolae)
Cannon age: Late 70's-Early eighties
Her younger years she was a Known Pirate/Adventurer until she met her Future husband and slowed down once she had her Son Cresento.
Her personality is sweet but also very protective..(especially when it comes to her son.)

((Played/Created by: Just A Coffee Stain
Based off of: Reapersun's Hand reveal in the gaian manga))


Just A Coffee Stain
Ephraim The Dragon

The main account to the mastermind of this account/oc: