
hello my name is momo-ai16 i made a character one day and Chibi Cutie Kyoko killed me dream and story with her rudness so i left Gaia cause of her so i want everybody to know when they come to my page that i have left cause of her and if you ever meet her tell her off for me i might come back to tell her off for myself but for right now PLEASE do it for me biggrin thanks

I've changed my mind i'm back and i'm not leaving. Kyoko is gone and i'm SOOOOOOO happy 4laugh

before anybody writes read this......
I dont give a crap what you guys say so just shut the ******** up..thank you 4laugh

This is a message for Trevor McMahon and xo_kairi:
******** YOU
i really dont care what you guys say you can tell me off but i really dont give a s**t
so go ******** yourself...thank you 4laugh

this is a message for karakitty:
your not funny and your art work looks like s**t that's why i really never try to copy it so look for a new talent cause art isn't one...oh ya and ******** you too 4laugh

oh and for xo_kairi your mail is gay as ******** biggrin
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lol i'm luvin it

i'm happy that kyoko is back cause now i can't mess with her again hahaha!!!!!! biggrin



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

` Panda Bear

Report | 12/30/2006 10:02 pm

` Panda Bear

Tee hee. You say ******** a lot. ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** ********! xD You need to ******** off! Thankies! ANDD DON'T TALK TO KAIRI-NEECHAN LIKE THAT!!!!
`Teddi Bear

Report | 12/24/2006 2:48 pm

`Teddi Bear

Ha! I see you don't have any friends to stick up for you. Very nice. Now I see why your so ruse. Your lonely in a corner.

Report | 12/23/2006 10:11 pm


Lady Lluvia

Report | 12/22/2006 4:16 pm

Lady Lluvia

I am also a friend of momo hinamori and stop stealing from her! D:< &this is the rudest profile I have ever seen.
Meyrin Hawke`

Report | 12/22/2006 9:37 am

Meyrin Hawke`


Report | 12/22/2006 8:18 am


what a pathetic person you are thinking you can steal from my friend. Stop stealing from momo-chan she is a wonderful person and a good friend unlike someone stare so grow up and stop it right now!
Aiko Skyline

Report | 12/21/2006 8:11 pm

Aiko Skyline

Ugh! I can't believe you would steal from her... she is such a nice person! I am sure that she is way nicer than you, and better yet, she's not a theif! If you want a cuter background, then go out and make your own, but don't just steal someone else's just for the heck of it! That's wrong...really wrong. I hope you know that no one will respect you nearly as much now...especially the people that know what you did. >.<
Etchi Sketchi

Report | 12/21/2006 4:00 pm

Etchi Sketchi

Seriously you need to stop thats theft and shes not that kokyo girl because shes nice and she doesnt need another account so why dont you just stop being a little thief and do something good. if you want to emotes so badly then MAKE SOME YOURSELF!
The Dark Evangel

Report | 12/21/2006 3:58 pm

The Dark Evangel

I've never seen such a rude profile in my life.
I'm a friend of Momo Hinamori, and have enjoyed many pleasant conversations with her.
If she's this Kyoko you mention, then you're dead wrong about her - a nicer person you couldn't meet.
Stealing from her is just plain wrong. It indicates a massive lack of imagination if you can't make your own.
That's all I'll say - I happen to be too well-bred to swear or anything here. Just know that I have contempt for those who steal or copy and produce nothing of their own.
` Panda Bear

Report | 12/17/2006 12:26 pm

` Panda Bear

*le sigh* You know, people like you are just low lifes. You think you can take anything that is pretty and make it yours. And don't get me wrong. Many people do that kind of stuff. It's the people who don't have any impulse control. You know. The people like you. These are the people who get vindictive. *coughchibicutieninacough* You stole her profile, you stole her look, and you feel happy at others pain. For all you know, she could still be here on gaia. Now, either you leave Gaia and forget about this, or you stay here and face the many people who loved and cared for Kyoko-san. No one will back you up. You will be cursed out and forgot. YOU are the rude one. YOU are the b***h. YOU ARE THE WENCH HERE NOT HER! Get over yourself and just move on! Jeez. Grow up.


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