Monk_Poof's avatar

Birthday: 11/06


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Ezzo peoplez of the internet! My name is london and i am hyper!

92% of kids listen to rap music...if you are the other 8% who listens to rock then add this to your profile!

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.....), ---.(_(__) /
....// (..) ), ----"
add this to your page...♥
if u r awsome

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What type of Fae are you?

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Dark-types believe in chaos and grabbing the opportunities they get in clever ways.

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Total Value: 992,847 Gold
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If you think beauty is hair, nails, and clothes your wrong.DEAD WRONG!Beauty is a full moon, a forest full of animals, and a dancing flame.

Item List:
Summoning Tome
Winter Rose
Grace of Aphrodite
Lunar Scythe
Langer the Dragon Plush
KiKi Kitty Plushie
Oculus Magica
Mochi the Puppy
Gwee the Dragon

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What celestial choir do you resonate?

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Click here to feed me a Rare Candy!
Get your own at Pokeplushies!

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What colour is your heart?

My Results:

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Your heart is BLACK! You believe that society needs to change, to stop judging everyone. You believe in free speech and that everyone should speak their mind and stand up for what they believe in. You being "different" is good thing, unlike the other colours, you think for yourself not others.

What color are you?

My Results:

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Black Black is the absence of light and therefore, of color.

It represents power, sexuality, sophistication, formality, elegance, wealth, mystery, fear, evil, anonymity, unhappiness, depth, style, evil, sadness, remorse, anger, underground, good technical color, mourning and death.
Black is sometimes considered a "mischevious" color.

What color are you?

My Results:

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Blue Blue represents peace, tranquility, calm, stability, harmony, unity, trust, truth, confidence, conservatism, security, cleanliness, order, loyalty, sky, water, cold, technology, and depression.

Blue can slow pulse rate, lower body temperature, and reduce appetite. Blue is often considered a business color because it reflects reliability.
Being blue isn't necessarily a bad thing!

Which goddess are you? And what makes you that way?

My Results:

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Time, and the clockworks shadow. You are the guardian of time. You have been turned bitter by the grudges you continue to hold. If you just let the past go, the shadow it casts over you will fade away.

What kind of music are you?

My Results:

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your rock you like be really loud

|........|post this on ur pro
|........|if u have
|.......Oever pushed
|........|on a door
|........|that said pull

What animal spirit guides you?

My Results:

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The Wolf spirit. The wolf spirit is very brave and dependent on others, it can survive on it's own, but enjoys the company of others. The wolf spirit guides you.

What kind of cat are you?

My Results:

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Kitten You're a peppy young cat with your whole life ahead of you. You have a lot of energy and love a good laugh.

92% of teen population would be dead if Abecrombie and Fitch decided breathing wasnt cool. put this on ut pro if would be one of the 8% laughing hysterically in the background. HAHAHAHAH HAHAHA HAHA

The best pokemon quiz known to man (and woman!!!)

My Results:

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Mesprit (smart) You are intellegent and very clever. You might be very good at pulling pranks off! You are either class brains or class clown, either way; it's SO you!

The best pokemon quiz known to man (and woman!!!)

My Results:

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Mew (caring) People think you are so very modest, and that you care only for others. Everyone knows someone who puts others in front of themselves is a true hero!

What Weapon Are You?

My Results:

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Remington 1100 You are a slow but devastating weapon.

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Find your Celestial Choir

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What type of Fae are you?

Which bird are you?

My Results:

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Sparrow You are very shy and timid. You are also caring and gentle.

Which goddess are you? And what makes you that way?

My Results:

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Loneliness You tend to hide in the shadows, but not for any real purpose. You understand the true meaning of loneliness better than most people. You are loyal to the friends you have. You may not be a goddess, but when you need to step into the light, someday, you will.

What's your Element?

My Results:

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Water Water represents emotions, absorption, subconscious, purification, eternal movement, wisdom, the soul, emotional aspects of love and femininity. In rituals, it is represented in the forms of pouring water over objects, brew making, healing spells, ritual bathing, and tossing objects into of water.
Zodiac signs-Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

What flavor Skittle are you?

My Results:

Grape Sweet! You're right behind green. You're the second best flavor!

Which Plant Are You

My Results:

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TREE You like watching the world go by with not a care in the world. The older you get the more your experiances, intelect and comfidence grows. You also like to change your apperance as the year goes on.

Are you Artistic?

My Results:

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Artistic You love art and see it all around you. You're pretty good at it too. You love to express yourself. Weather it's music, painting, writing, or what ever you always make a beautiful masterpiece out of it. You also like to surround yourself with art!

What Creature are you?

My Results:

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Ryuu, The Dragon You highly intelligent in battle and use strength, agility, and your experience to pull you through. You hate to work in groups, thinking others are just a burden and will get in the way. Your hardly social and hate to lose, you seem cocky and a little over confident if you ask me. You don’t care if its night or day, it’s not important.

How will you look like in the anime world?

My Results:

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Dark You! Your are mostly mad for no reason but its natural and have a reason but you just dont know. you are mostly lonely and sad at times. You dont want to remember anything. this is how you will look like V.V

Are you a wolf?

My Results:

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Yes! Wow! You really should be a wolf! Your a fun loving , agile, clever wolf.

Are you random?

My Results:

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Random. You are as random as I am. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!

What is your colour

My Results:

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Gold the best person ever you are brilliant in every way

Are you evil?

My Results:

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What type of Potato are you?

My Results:

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Fire breathing dragon You are not a potato of any kind. This test has determined that you could never be any type of potato. You are a fire breathing dragon. Although fire breathing dragons do pocess many of the same traits as potatoes and comparisons can be made, clearly you lean more to the fire breathing dragon side of the spectrum. Sorry for any misunderstanding.

Which Spongebob character are you?

My Results:

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Sandy Cheeks You are the smartest person ever and love nature!

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What would happen...

My Results:

You were arrested You were having the time of your life... until they charged you for vandalism

What is your totem?

My Results:

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Cat You are like a cat, cool and agile. You've got an almost magical aura radiating from you.

What type of Vamp are you??

My Results:

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Vampyre You are like me... you burn up in the sun if you don't have a diamond, bloodstone, moonstone, or lapis lazuli on your person at all times. You aren't as strong as a Vampire but you are as fast or faster.

What Nintendo Console it right for you??

My Results:

Wii It's the one it's the only Wii!!!!

Are you a true vampire?

My Results:

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Vampire You are a full cold blooded vampire. You are at the top of the food chain. NO body mess with you because you would rip them apart and drink their blood

What music genre are you?

My Results:

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Are you nice ?

My Results:

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You're evil! You don't really love to help others and you don't have a lot of friends. You mind your own business and you really don't like school do you?

Which Disney Villain Are You?

My Results:

Malificent you are the true embodyment of Evil. You do not like happily ever afters, and you make it your sworn duty that no one will have one. You stand tall and proud. And can turn into an enourmous fire breathing dragon.

What animal are you?

My Results:

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Elephant You're sweet and big hearted.

Which guitar are you?

My Results:

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SG You are a hard rock, kick BUT guitar

What Pikmin are You?

My Results:

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Mushroom Pikmin An outcast, you can be described at best as destructive and at worst as a demon zombie. You’ve been called to the evil side and can’t help but grin at the misfortune of others. You’d turn on your team leader before you knew who they were and would devote your life to bringing them down. Hopefully for society, you may be able to be shaken out of it, but you won’t go down without a fight.

What anime animal are u?

My Results:

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and u are A CAT You are very smart but sometimes you get in trouble.
you are very ingenious and u like adventures

What colour fits you?

My Results:

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Black You are a quiet soul. You love rock music, and you pretend to be someone sweeter than you are.

How do you deserve to look?

My Results:

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Normal Look Your not that generous but aren't bad so your neutral. You wouldn't be gorgeous but average. Not much in the eyes of some, slightly good looking in the eyes of others. Your nowhere near ugly though!

What Creature are you?

My Results:

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Ookami, The Wolf You’re smart, and quite social. Your ok with groups, but would rather be the leader. Your stubborn and outgoing, always doing dangerous things just for the rush. In battles you rely on strength and willpower alone, and are always willing to protect your loved ones. You mostly prefer the night over day.

Are you a wolf?

My Results:

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Maybe! Your not really sure.

What element are you?

My Results:

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Fire Your hot, you make things black and you are red

What type of food are you?

My Results:

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apple pie sweet but evil

Which anime will you be?

My Results:

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Darkness you are cold blooded and are mean to people. you dont mean to its natural. you have a reason why. most people are scared of you. you have a good side but you dont show it and many more (try to not be mean i understand if you can't. i know its hard to change and i also know somebody will change you. you wont be like that forever ^_^)

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People Who Came.....

What u Have 2 Say 2 Me.

View All Comments

ElizaDaniels Report | 05/26/2009 10:30 am
I really like your profile!!

There are some funny sayings here!!
Lover of all ppl Report | 05/17/2009 11:52 am
Lover of all ppl
na i tryed it allready so whats u up 2
wolfie-120895 Report | 04/18/2009 2:40 pm
biggrin see ya
a-d-m-i-n 943 Report | 12/17/2008 9:41 pm
a-d-m-i-n 943
chris_darkphantom Report | 08/24/2008 5:52 am

Xianghua Mitsurugi Report | 08/03/2008 12:35 pm
Xianghua Mitsurugi
I"m not a girly girl or gay.
I'm just a girl who loves sports.
lil_wanye_#1_pimp Report | 07/28/2008 12:37 pm
copy/paste this to 10 ppl then prees f5 and f9 at the same time you will get 100,000 gold it really rocks trust me
owariitami Report | 07/27/2008 10:46 am
sorry hahahaha
Hibiki_Otegawa Report | 07/27/2008 12:06 am
=O why thank you

owariitami Report | 07/26/2008 11:45 pm
yeah right lol


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