Hey people!I miss every1 (from Pioneer) Ssooooooo much!!!Especially the guys because none of them came to my party!!!(darn sports!)sO LIKE pm ME!

Hey pplz! What it iz??? If you are frm Pioneer i miss you guys and love you soooo much! Except all the haterz. Haha if you are frm Patterson i miss you a lottt! Except the haterz frm there (Cam) f****r haha jk cam is gay tho. Anywayz! I love all of my friendz! My bestest friendz ever are sooo awesome! here are some of my best friendz! Nicole O.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!She is sooooo awesome she is the best she is like the only grl that knowz things my parentz have never even nown bout me! She is sooo awesome and she alwayz keeps my secrets I love this girl to death she is my best friend in the whole wide world! Next is Jojo! She is soo awesome I love her soo much she is sooo fun! I have soo many pix of her....i have more pix of her on my cell then i do of me!!!!!!!!! This girl is like the funniest and funnest girl i have ever met! She s so cool! My next is Ginny she iws sooo awesome she rocks my sox hardcore lol i love her a lot she is soo fun too! She knows excactly what to say and when to say it! She is a great friend and she is so awesome and no she is NOT EMO! Next is Ali! she is like my bestest friend in the whole world!!!!!!!!!!!! She is awesome i love her death and never shall we part haha makes it sound like we are married or something lol anyways she soooo awesome and i love her she rox and her mom is like a second mom to me she is so awesome i love her...and her mom to death!!!!!!!!!! My best friends who r guys are sooo awesome and cool and they are so sweet and make me smile even when im crying...(Granny! LOL good times good times biggrin ) My bestest friend thats a guy is Granny AKA Michael D.! He is so awesome and sweet he has a great personality and hes fun in 2nd grade we were sooo close we were bestest friends (Granny......FAITH!!!!!!!!!!! Hahaahahaha) Good times. I have great memories with him he is so cool he rox! And he may b my ex but that doesnt mean that we cant b friends besides we only went out for a dday and that can ruin nothing!!!!!!!! Next is my codobear Cj AKA Ceej hahaha so many nicknames for one person!! His real name Cody J. He is so awesome and of all the times we have went out we are still bestest buddiez with all the ups and downs we stuck together and were friends nooo matter whhhat he rox and i love as a good friend. Next is NICK N!!! He is sooo awesome he is like the funniest guy ever! He is so ccool and he has such a great personality he is so lame yet so awesome and i love him to death (as a good friend) no i dont like any of these guys but i love them to death like brothers they r so cool!
Luv you all!<333 Except the haterz (Nicole biggrin hehe)

*~Sara~* <33