
MooglePuff's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 02/06


Donations are appreciated && donators are given a huggle :3


MooglePuff (:

Windmill, Windmill for the land.
Love {forever} hand in hand
Take it all in on your {stride}
It is {sinking}, falling down
{Love} forever love is free
Let's turn forever {you} and me
Windmill, windmill for the land.
Is everybody in?

Hello there, my little molluscs. I'm Moogle. Yes; you read rightly. Moogle. I received this nickname when I went into a random phase of screaming "KUPO!" down the school halls.. I suppose the reason speaks for itself. I love writing tons, and while I write I subconciously pop Rosy Apples into my mouth; then feeling very fat afterwards, even though I am a stick. I mostly hang out on the Entertainment forum, more precisely the Harry Potter forum. I am utterly obsessed with Daniel Radcliffe and Tom Felton; who play Harry and Draco in the movies. I also am obsessed with Gaia shopowner Brennivin, and Lord of Vampires Louie. If I may say so, I have very good taste. I use rather odd phrases. Eg; My little molluscs. I use this most of the time; or sometimes I might just say hi. My brain is most probably bright yellow, full of moogles on computers, books, and mussicc. I sometimes think that I dream about listening to music. Weird, eh? Weird is what I aim for! You may well have noticed, I am Questing some pretty expensive stuff. If you have not then you need to be more observant. I ish British, a pokemon nerd, a moogle overlord, and a girl. Please feel free to add me, PM me, trade me goodies, or comment on my page. Kupo!♥


Thank-you Heather for the drawing of my Avatar, it's so cute; I love it! x3