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Thousands of years ago the 'Gods' lived and ruled over the world though not everything was perfect, the Gods had to fight off the Titans. After winning against them there was a time of peace when humans were being made. Two Titans lived on earth one named Prometheus (meaning to look forward, or forethought) and the other Epimetheus (meaning to look back, or afterthought). Prometheus wanted humans to have food as good as the god had so he tricked the gods into eating bones and fat while the humans got the good meat. Zeus was mad at him so he took flames away from everyone so they could not heat themselves, or there food. Prometheus ended up stealing Fire from the Gods, not only that but he didn't tell Zeus the name of the Goddess that would give birth to the child the would over throw him and take his place. Zeus was so angry that he chained Prometheus to a cliff side and everyday a bird (an eagle in some stories, a vulture in others) would come and eat his liver and every night it would re-grown so that the punishment was forever. Though before he was taken like this he warned his brother Epimetheus not to take any gifts from the Gods. He said he wouldn't seeing as his brother was so hated, but Zeus knew that he was tricked easily. Zeus ordered Hephaestus (the god of craftsmanship) to make Pandora (meaning All gifted). He took water and Earth and made the first woman on Earth. The Gods gave her wonderful gifts beauty, song, persuasion, and others. They gave her a box and told her never to open this box because she could never see what was inside. Then they gave her to Epimetheus though he remembered his brothers warning he was so taken by her beauty that he took her as his wife. Though Pandora lived for many years without looking into the box at one time she couldn't take it anymore. Thinking there must be all kinds of wonderful things in the box she opened it. Letting out into the world The Seven Deadly Sins, Pandora tried hard to close the box and when she finally got it closed all she had sealed inside was Hope. For 1000 years the sins Wrath (Anger), Avarice (Greed), Envy, Gluttony, Lust, Pride, and Sloth controlled the world and plagued it. Well the Gods did nothing to help, though after that 1000 years Pandora found the box again and opened it letting Hope out into the world to gather the sins and slowly the world ended up the way it is now!

I wrote this for my website! >w<


"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to open it!"

For my sins I do not die but live on in this world watching what I have done to it.

Pandora (meaning all gifted)


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~Moonlight~_33's avatar

Last Login: 03/17/2007 10:25 pm

Registered: 01/30/2004

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Pandora_33 Report | 06/28/2011 2:33 pm
cool avi
ninouhhichem Report | 12/20/2008 5:09 pm
Joye Report | 04/25/2007 9:08 am
Hey, ltns smile
shasha20 Report | 10/30/2006 7:24 pm
Love your hair.^_^
bushybrow kiba Report | 10/07/2006 12:42 pm
your hot come sants a kiss
darkness_comes_within Report | 09/25/2006 1:20 am
Hellz_Fallen_Angel Report | 08/31/2006 8:28 am
Hey nice page and avi
Brindle Report | 08/26/2006 3:43 pm
I like your page.
Long time no talk
DGBlazerine Report | 06/30/2006 8:53 pm
I'm your hero? O_O HOLY SNAPS!!! I FINALLY GOT A FAN!!! OMG <CUSSING HERE> Uh...thanks. ^__^ Hee hee. It's..sort of my female look of Squall, but couple people in the towns are like... saying I'm Tifa/Squall/Aeries o.O
pheonix_angel Report | 06/02/2006 1:50 pm
hey nini-kun
i love your pg! :3