
Hello. Welcome to my profile. Now you have to read. Don't complain you clicked it.
I’m 23 years old. I'm engaged to the most awesome guy. I graduated from the worst high school ever. I am class of 2011.
I’m a music freak. I was in school orchestra and in band... I can play 15 total instruments (not listing them it’ll take too long).
I suck at writing. I can't write a simple little poem. I know it’s sad. People have that talent, I never will have it.
I cosplay as well but if i fail, oh well it was fun. My cosplay is getting better. I do not cosplay anime.
I am in the SCA. It's fun and awesome. I met awesome people there.
I love video games as well, especially Devil May Cry and Resident Evil. Dante and Albert Wesker are the best characters in my opinion. I am a huge fangirl of Albert Wesker.
I'm like a sleeping dragon. I’m kind and calm, unless when ppl press my buttons. I become violent and vengeful. Here’s thing I like and hate.

Likes and love:
My guy... the best man in the whole world. i love u sweetie.
my guy's cosplays. (He is so hot in cosplay. Especially if he is Albert Wesker.)
All types of music except 2 genres.
Meeting new ppl.
Playing, making and singing music.
Learning a new instrument.
Death (like Cain, Grim Reaper, reapers, that stuff. im not emo or suicidal)
Helping other
video games
my consoles ( psp, ps2, ps3, ds, 3ds, gameboy advance sp, gamecube, xbox 360, ps4 and my wii)
SWTOR ( awesome mmorpg)
Minecraft ( awesome game)
My group

Jazz and (it’s so annoying. Jazz I got tired of. My band teacher killed it for me. I use to love it now I hate it.)
Ppl who hurt others (I got picked on all my life. I get really pissed if I see someone pick on ppl.)
Ppl who diss my friends. (U mess with them. u mess with me, and I can be your worst nightmare.)
Ppl who hurt animals. (It kills me inside to see a hurt animal. I want to help them so much. But I see a person doing it. I go ballistic.)
Breaking my promises.
Ppl who brag. (It annoys the hell out of me.)
Being told what to do.
my school band and the band director ( kicked me out for family issue, but anyways I got my revenge)
ppl to take religion too seriously. ( seriously.... I don't wanna be preached to or convert to ur religion so don't try it. It's 2016 not 1091. I'm pagan and proud.)
Trolls. ( I have been on gaia since 2006, and trolling just pisses me off.)
ppl who r corrupt. ( like my parents)


Viewing 12 of 104 friends


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 07/24/2014 10:44 pm



Report | 07/24/2014 10:37 am


Sorry about that I had a mini melt down. better now

Report | 04/22/2014 5:53 pm


You still on gaia? ninja
Jully Reef Wolf

Report | 08/23/2012 1:50 am

Jully Reef Wolf

le poke~

Report | 08/14/2010 1:15 am


Within Temptation is just an overall good band

Report | 07/26/2010 7:15 am


Nightwish on the playlist, I might also recommend similar bands such as Within Temptation and Epica
XSK Doomed Jake the Snake

Report | 03/23/2010 4:47 pm

XSK Doomed Jake the Snake

XSK Doomed Jake the Snake

Report | 03/23/2010 4:39 pm

XSK Doomed Jake the Snake

its ok and what do you mean your losing everything you have?
XSK Doomed Jake the Snake

Report | 03/21/2010 3:55 pm

XSK Doomed Jake the Snake

so whats up?
XSK Doomed Jake the Snake

Report | 03/21/2010 7:30 am

XSK Doomed Jake the Snake

Thank you!