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jessicachole Report | 09/24/2009 2:12 pm
Hi, I'm Jessica Winsell. I'm just going to ask you nicely to please remove my pictures from your page, and stop pretending to be me. I had to make a "Gaia" account a couple of years ago just so I could come on here and contact you. You still haven't deleted my information from your page. I want to report you, but I don't know how and there isn't really any way they could prove that you are NOT me. Very frustrating. You can delete this comment right after I leave it (if that's even possible) to save yourself the embarrassment, but I'm not really sure how Gaia works. Just PLEASE take my information off of your page. Identity theft is a major issue and offense. With the internet age, I REALLY don't want some future employer or friend to come on the internet and find this page thinking it was me. I don't live in San Francisco anymore, and a lot of the facts on this page are incorrect. Please just take my pictures and my name off of this site. It's really unfair. I don't even know how you have gotten access to my pictures. Perhaps we were once friends on Myspace? Just please stop pretending to be me.
Thank you.
Xaviersx Report | 02/23/2009 4:59 pm
Nice layout :]
Darth Pixel Report | 04/11/2008 8:05 pm
Darth Pixel
Ohhh yayyyy

I had almost given up hope.

How have you been lovely ??
40ounces Report | 03/23/2008 8:32 pm
oo same old same old! u? nething special
40ounces Report | 03/22/2008 4:21 pm
yuhuhh definatly i agree! gotta have interesting people to talk with =3
40ounces Report | 03/21/2008 11:31 pm
hey im sorry my computer shut down. welcome back to gaia! haha i dont use it the very most only when im bored =3
Lost Scythe Report | 03/21/2008 10:34 pm
Lost Scythe
You're quite lovely on the eyes! May I add you???
Darth Pixel Report | 01/06/2008 11:34 pm
Darth Pixel
One day you'll come back and we'll terrorize the PYPs together. Until then, I'm missing you.

P a n z i l i c i o u z Report | 07/12/2007 1:47 pm
P a n z i l i c i o u z
Hey Jessica.

:] I'm updating my friendlist, wondering if you'd like to stay?

You probably don't even remember me, I don't even remember how we met. Well that's just my bad memory acting up again.

Let me know soon mmk?
Darth Pixel Report | 04/11/2007 10:50 pm
Darth Pixel
I love and miss you <3