MR F4C3 0TAC0N's avatar

Birthday: 06/22

Equipped List


This profile is so ******** flashy.

Good day you sexual deviant you, there's only 2 reasons you'd be looking at my profile now:
1. You're a delicious stranger that just so "happened" to waltz in here to check out my shitty profile.
2. You're one of my stalker buddies who enjoy staring at anything pertaining to me.
Secret Answer 3. You're some person I annoyed in Rally and just want to see who the hell i think I am and post distasteful comments about my mother and myself in the comments.

If you're any of these people and just want to know about my modest existence, you're in luck friend.

What is your name Mr. Face Guy?: Well if you mean my actual name friend, it's Michael (yes it's that generic).

Do you have any nicknames?: Yes, in fact I have several. Here are some: Mike, Miguel, Michelle, Mikey, Mike and Ike, Daved, a*****e, Fruit Topping, Hubby, and some other miscellaneous crap that rhymes with Mike or is associated with me.

What hobbies do you have?: Well I enjoy: Jogging, swimming, exercising, socializing (a person with a social life on Gaia!!?? It's more likely than you think), reading, writing, dancing, etc.

Where exactly do you hail from?: Well friend, I'm from the Virgin Islands. Never heard of it? Don't worry, almost no one has.

How would you describe yourself?: Well, I'm mostly funny, sarcastic, flirtatious, kind (whoa what?), un caring, ecstatic, metrosexual, agnostic, cold, sadistic, masochistic, vile, warm hearted, attractive, smart, narcissistic, and I am lazy.

Whoa, that was a lot of personality traits, are you really all of that at all times?: Nope, I change moods frequently (similar to a woman on the pregorz).

How old are you?: I'm an age between 12 and 120330093.

Why are you being such a closeted f** about your age if you're so uncaring?: Primarily because I don't disclose such personal information because ***** can just spontaneously reach out of their computers and force feed me their dicks. (i'm 16)

If you wish to know anymore stupid mindless bullshit about me, feel free to ask.
Rosa Daichi
Herb Soul

Isn't this profile the s**t.

And these are the beauties I hang out with, if i'm not annoying the masses of Gaia.