Dream #1

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Dream # 3


;D You know what to do ;D


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Wonderful World Of Me

I wubble you

Rock Out

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Little Something About Myself

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I want to thank all of my friends on here for being there for me. You guys rock my multi-colored toe socks off. But unfortunately I've lost all track of time and I have so many other things to focus on in my life, so I don't really have time for Gaia anymore. I may come back some day, don't know yet though. But to every awesome Gaian I've ever met, keep on rockin', kayyy? ;]

Fawk it
I debated on this but don't really care anymore
If you want to keep in contact
You can find me here
I figure
If I ever come back
And want to fake being a cross dressing gay male
I can
And I'll just fool you all again

So, this is my new account, I used to be emotional_wreckage. Please feel free to call me Mr. S or my full name, whatever pleases you. I've decided to return to gaia after being gone so long because I remember that, even though I've met some terrible people here, I've met some swell people as well. And I missed them! ^_^ So, welcome back me.

I have lots of different tastes in music, clothing, food, everything. I'm not a very picky person and I enjoy getting to know people. I will not descriminate you by your race, religion, beliefs, etc. Though if I do not agree with something and I feel very uncomfortable talking about it, trust me, I'll let you know.

Roar-Gasm is my B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L Chatterbox wife~<3

A r t i f i c i a l Amity is my O.F.F.I.C.I.A.L Chatterbox stalker~<3

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Some days I get argumentative
I enjoy reading
I love my husband
Photography makes me feel passionate
I'm highly misunderstood
Pocky is good
I like to play videogames
I love the movie Spirited Away
In real life I'm straight
I fully support those who are not straight
I like to write poetry
I go to college
I drive an ugly car
My birthday is 12/31
I'm bad at art but I love it
Good people makes me smile
I feel sad for people who judge others so quickly
Hugs make me feel warm and fuzzy
Sleep is good
I love all colors
I'm a girl
BUT my favorite color is green
Music has a tendency of changing my mood
I'm nothing special
I have few friends
I have fewer good friends
I perfer m&m's over skittles
I'm afraid of spiders
Some days I'm happy
And some days I'm sad



Please, feel free to comment/message me if you'd like; as well as ask me any questions. Do enjoy your day, let it be filled with rainbows, blue skies, and pretty little unicorns.

Sharing is caring

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