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* The Armor of Achilles, created by Hephaestus and said to be impenetrable (Greek mythology)
* The Armor of Thor, consisting of the Girdle of Might, a magic belt that doubled his strength; and iron gloves so he could wield Mjolnir (see below)
* The Armor of Beowulf, made by Weyland the Smith
* The Armor of Karna, known as Kavacha. In Indian Mythology Karna was the son of the Sun god. Karna was born with Kavacha, his armor. Nothing can penetrate Kavacha. Indra, the king of the gods in Amravati in Svarga, tricked Karna to give it to him, so that Arjuna, Indra's son born as a human on earth can slay him in the Kurukshetra War.

[edit] Headgear

* The Helmet of Rostam, upon which was fixed the head of the white giant Dive-e Sepid, from the Persian epic Shahnama.
* The Helmet of Hades, created by the Cyclopes for Hades. It made the wearer invisible.
* The Tarnhelm, a helmet giving the wearer the ability to change form or become invisible. Used by Alberich in Der Ring Des Nibelungen.

[edit] Shields

* The Aegis, Zeus' shield, often loaned to his daughter Athena, also used by Perseus (Greek mythology).
* Svalinn is a shield which stands before the sun. (Norse mythology)
* Ancile, shield of the Roman god Mars.
* Shield of Telamonian Ajax

[edit] Shields from the Matter of Britain

* The Shield of Galahad, made by King Evelake and adorned with a red cross painted with the blood of Joseph of Arimathea.
* The Shield of Lancelot, given to him by the Lady of the Lake, it instantly cured him of tiredness and gave him the strength of three men.

[edit] Shields from the Spanish mythology

* The Shield of El Cid, according to the epic poem Carmen Campidoctoris, bears the image of a fierce shining golden dragon.[1]

[edit] Weapons
Further information: List of magical weapons

* Cronus' sickle, made of Adamantine and able to cut through anything (Greek mythology)
* Death's Scythe, was to represent the Christian cultural interpretation of death as a "harvest of souls". The view states that death takes life as we do crops. The scythe was never discussed in detail and is more popular as a common day icon associated with the Grim Reaper.
* Golden sickle, Mentioned in the Biblical Book of Revelations. It was to be used in the final harvest of human souls.
* Grid's Rod, an iron staff given to Thor so he could kill the Troll King. Grid also gave him the "Armor of Thor" (see above)
* Sudarshana Chakra A legendary spinning disc like weapon used by the Hindu God Vishnu.
* Mjolnir, the magic hammer of Thor. It was invulnerable and when thrown it would return to the user's hand (Norse mythology)
* The Thunderbolts of Zeus, given to him by the Cyclops in Greek mythology, or by Vulcan in the Roman mythology
* Vajra, the lightning bolts of Indra (Hindu mythology)
* Ruyi Jingu Bang, the staff of Sun Wukong; the staff of the Monkey King could alter its size from a tiny needle to a mighty pillar.

[edit] Swords

* Kusanagi-no-tsurugi (Japanese: 草薙の剣) (also Ame no Murakumo no Tsurugi 天叢雲剣 or Tsumugari no Tachi 都牟刈の太刀), the sword of the Japanese god Susanoo, later given to his sister Amaterasu. (Japanese mythology)
* Shamshir-e Zomorrodnegar (Persian: شمشیر زمردنگار) "The emerald-studded Sword" in the Persian mythical story Amir Arsalan. The hideous horned demon called Fulad-zereh was invulnerable to all weapons except the blows of Shamshir-e Zomorrodnegar. This blade originally belonged to King Solomon.
* The Sword of Peleus, a magic sword that makes its wielder victorious in the battle or the hunt (Greek mythology)
* The Sword of Death, A grey sword that can a kill a person if you just cut a lock of their hair off.(Greek Mythology)

[edit] Swords from Celtic Mythology

* Caladbolg (also Caladcholg), the sword of Fergus mac Róich and powerful enough to cut the tops off three hills; related to the Caledfwlch of Welsh mythology
* Caledfwlch Often compared to Excalibur (and might be an alternate name for it), this sword is used by Llenlleawg Wyddel to kill Diwrnach Wyddel and his men.
* Claíomh Solais (The Sword of Light), the sword of Nuada, leader of the Tuatha de Danann
* Fragarach (also The Sword of Air, The Answerer or The Retaliator), forged by the gods. No armor could stop it, and it would grant its wielder command over the powers of wind
* Dyrnwyn aka The Sword of Rhydderch - "Rhydderch the generous." A flaming sword not unlike Excalibur in abilities. One of the Spoils of Annwyn.
* The Singing Sword of Conaire Mór

[edit] Swords from Germanic Mythology (excluding Norse)

* Hrunting, the magical sword of Beowulf (Anglo-Saxon verse)
* Nægling, the other magical sword of Beowulf. Found in the cave of Grendel's mother.
* Nothung, the sword from Die Walküre (Wagnerian mythology), also known as Gram, or Balmung (see below) wielded by Siegfried
* Nagelring, the sword of Dietrich von Bern.
* Mimung, Wudga's sword that received from his father Wayland the Smith

[edit] Weapons from the Matter of Britain

* Clarent, the sword in the stone which Arthur pulled free to become King of Britain, not to be mistaken with Excalibur. Sometimes is said to have been the blade used by Mordred (Arthur's illegitimate son) to kill King Arthur.
* Excalibur, the sword which King Arthur received from the Lady of the Lake
* The Grail Sword, a cracked holy sword which Sir Percival bonded back together, though the crack remained.
* Carnwennan, The dagger Arthur used.
* Galatine, Gawain's sword.
* Arondight, Lancelot's sword.

[edit] Swords from Norse Mythology

* Balmung/Gram, the sword that Odin struck into the Branstock tree which only Sigmund the Volsung was able to pull out. It broke in battle with Odin but was later reforged by Sigmund's son Sigurd/Siegfried and used it to slay the dragon Fafnir. After being reforged, it could cleave an anvil in half. (Possibly another source of the clarent and Excalibur legends which have similar discriptions) (Norse mythology)
* Dáinsleif is king Högni's sword, according to Snorri Sturluson's account of the battle known as the Hjaðningavíg.
* Mistilteinn, the magical sword of Prainn, the draugr, later owned by Hromundr Gripsson
* Freyr's sword, Freyr's magic sword which fought on its own. It might be Lævateinn.
* Tyrfing (also Tirfing or Tervingi), the cursed sword of Svafrlami, from the Elder Edda; also said to be the sword of Odin in Wagnerian mythology
* Hofud, the sword of Heimdall, the guardian of Bifrost.
* Skofnung, a sword with mythical properties associated with the legendary Danish king Hrólf Kraki.
* Laevateinn, a sword mentioned in an emendation to the Poetic Edda Fjölsvinnsmál by Sophus Bugge.

[edit] Swords from the Matter of France

* Almace, Almice or Almacia is the sword of Turpin, Archbishop of Reims.
* Courtain (also Curtana or Cortana in Italian), first of the two magical swords of Ogier the Dane.
* Sauvagine, second of the two magical swords of Ogier the Dane.
* Durandal (also Durendal or Durlindana in Italian), the sword of Roland (Orlando in medieval Italian verse)
* Hauteclaire (also Halteclere or Altachiara in Italian), the sword of Olivier.
* Joyeuse, the sword of Charlemagne.
* Murgleis, sword of Ganelon, traitor and cousin of Roland.
* Précieuse, sword of Baligant, Emir of Babylon.

[edit] Swords from Spanish mythology

* Tizona, the sword of El Cid, it frightens unworthy opponents, as shown in the heroic poem Cantar de mio Cid.[2]
* Colada, the other sword of El Cid, as Tizona its power depends on the warrior that wields it.[3]
* Lobera, the sword of the king Saint Ferdinand III of Castile, inheritance of the epic hero Fernán González, according to Don Juan Manuel, Duke of Peñafiel.[4]

[edit] Polearms
[edit] Celtic mythology

* The Gae Bolg, the spear of Cuchulainn, given to him by Aife, the sister of Scathach, and made from the bone of a sea-monster.
* The Spear Luin (also Spear of Fire or Spear of Destiny), forged by the Smith of Falias for Lugh to use in his fight against Balor.
* Ogma's Whip - the spear of Ogma (the Celtic sun god) is used to "guide the passage of the invisible sun".
* Rhongomiant, which was the spear of King Arthur.
* Ysbaddadan's Javelins This Fomori owned a set of spears dipped in poisonous venom.

[edit] Norse mythology

* Gungnir, Odin's magic spear created by the dwarf Dvalin. It would never miss its aim and it could not be stopped in mid-throw.
* Spears of the Valkyrie "Various" The weapons of the infamous Valkyries, these weapons are described as having flaming barbs.

[edit] Spanish mythology

* The lance of Olyndicus, the celtiberians' war chief who fought against Rome. According to Florus, he wielded a silver lance that was sent to him by the gods from the sky.[5]

[edit] Greek mythology

* The Pelican Spear, Achilles' great mythical spear. Created by Hephaestus and given to Peleus at his wedding with Thetis. this was the greatest gift that Peleus could ever have gotten.

[edit] Japanese mythology

* Amenonuhoko (heavenly spear), the naginata used by the Shinto deities Izanagi and Izanami to create the world (Japanese mythology)

[edit] Christian mythology

* The Spear of Destiny (also Spear of Longinus or the Holy Lance), the spear said to have pierced the side of Jesus at the crucifixion.

[edit] Tridents

* Kongō, A trident-shaped staff which emits a bright light in the darkness. It gives a man wisdom and insight. The staff belonged originally to the Japanese mountain-god Koya-no-Myoin. It is the equivalent of the Sanskrit vajra, the lightning-jewel of the mountain-god Indra. There the staff represents the three flames of the sacrificial fire, part of the image of the vajra wheel.
* Poseidon's Trident, used to create horses and some water sources in Greece. It could cause earthquakes when struck on the ground. Greek.
* Trishula, the trident of the Hindu deity Shiva, stylized by some as used as a missile weapon and often included a crossed stabilizer to facilitate flight when thrown.


* The Crane-Skin Bag of Cumhail is the magical bag of the Celtic hero Cumhall and his son, Fionn mac Cumhaill, which held an untold amount of enchanted weapons.
* The Cup of Jamshid is a cup of divination in the Persian mythology. It was long possessed by rulers of ancient Persia and was said to be filled with an elixir of immortality. The whole world was said to be reflected in it.
* Gleipnir is the magic chain that bound the Fenris Wolf. It was light and thin as silk but strong as creation itself and made from six wonderful ingredients (Norse mythology)
* Hliðskjálf, a high seat Odin uses to watch over all worlds. (Norse mythology)
* Maui's Fishhook, used to catch the fish that would become New Zealand's North Island; the hook was also used to create the Hawaiian islands (Polynesian mythology)
* Magic Mould, stolen from the Yellow Emperor by Yu so he could stop the flood. It would expand until you tell it to stop (Chinese Mythology)
* The Palladium was a wooden statue that fell from the sky. As long as it stayed in Troy, the city-state could not lose a war.(Greek Mythology)
* Caduceus is the winged rod of Hermes or Mercury, entwined with two serpents; originally a simple olive branch; in the hands of the god possessed of magical virtues; it is also seen as a symbol of peace. The Caduceus also became the symbol of the medical profession.
* The Thyrsus aka the Sceptre of Dionysus. The symbol of the god Dionysus, a wand tipped with a pine cone and entwined with ivy leaves Greek mythology
* The Kantele owned by "Vainamoinen" A Dulcimer made from a monstrous Pike which attacked the Sampo Questors, The Kantele could induce a deep sleep in a room full of Pohja warriors when played, but failed when one of the Questors "Lemminkainen" hummed another song too loudly wakening the sleepers. The Kantele was washed overboard in the same sorcerous tempest whipped up by Louhi. Finnish mythology
* Cadair Idris, aka The Chair of Idris the Giant. Anyone sitting on this giant sized stone chair is transformed into a poet or driven mad if there is no poetry in his soul Celtic mythology
* The Bone of Ullr - The god Ullr had a bone upon which spells were carved. (Norse mythology)
* Orichalcum is a legendary metal mentioned in several ancient writings, most notably the story of Atlantis as recounted in the Critias dialogue, recorded by Plato. According to Critias, orichalcum was considered second only to gold in value, and was found and mined in many parts of Atlantis in ancient times. By the time of Critias, however, it was known only by name.
* The Smoking Mirror, the mirror that the god Tezcatlipoca uses to see the whole cosmos.