
The Madman...

I am criminally insane... well... actually... no not really. I haven't had so much as a parking ticket - but I can't drive yet, so it figures.

I can't really say all that much... I just work with computers often and you should be able to find me posting in the C&T forum. I also like to help out in Q&A because I can discover all the problems that I might run into and help others with it at the same time.

Here is my preferred computer equipment!

Favourite Browser: Opera
Favourite Motherboard Manufacturers: ASUS, MSI.
Favourite Hard Disk Manufacturers: Western Digital, Seagate.
Favourite CPU Manufacturer: Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)
Favourite Chipset Manufacturers: SiS, Intel, VIA.
Favourite Graphics Card Manufacturer: ATI
Favourite Operating System: Microsoft Windows (NT-base)
Favourite Media Players: Winamp, Audacious.
Favourite Instant Messenger: Miranda IM

I also have a userbar thingy!

User Image

Here is my lonely piece of quilt, put it in your own quilts...

User Image

Here are some art pieces that I have been given... thanks to all who made them!

User Image User Image User Image

1. Leree (my Gaian sis') and I... many thanks to Blue-Owl for the drawing!

2. A play on Pokemon made by Electr!c Panda (now Smile For Me Kid)...
3. ...and a play on the iPod type drawing also by Electr!c Panda... many thanks! mrgreen

That's enough for now! Check back soon for updates!



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Viewing 1 of 1 comments.


Report | 10/07/2007 12:46 am


I think you tried to hide your comments but I found the link. User Image You use Web Developer? Mozilla add on. I'm wondering why your favorite browser is Opera? That's interesting.

Yeah, it is. The only thing that kind of sucks is that I have to do everything all at once. I have to work all in one day. And then school all in one day. And then homework all in one day. It's nice. But, it sucks.

It's not too boring. We actually use "using namespace std;" Makes it to where you don't need the std part. But, thank you. User Image Good luck to you too.