Caitie, don't forget

i'm busy nowadays.

call me caitie.
i dance. dont hate. :]
NEVER change for me, i wouldnt like it.
loads of friends that i love so much. <3
always hanging with the famfam.
im always reading now.
love to go to other people's housies.
loves movies. take me to one. romance;comedy;horror;anything.
sing off key in the shower, dance in my underwear. :]
believe in fictional characters...<3
i cry to express what i feel. also for nothing.
only yelled to people if im SUPER ticked.
cant live without petroleum jelly. x]
on AIM but never talks.
likes to look out the window...
gets inspired easily..
wants to play piano and sing...two things people would never imagine me to be able to do.
hates my own laugh. x]
hates my teeth.
wishes to be an actress. like that will ever happen.
wishes stories could come true.
doing lyrical and ballet. :]
enjoys Taro pearl drinks. <3
biffles, baby. yeah, i have one. (:

God, Ate, Laura, Jose, Pilar, Gabe, Erin, Ate Jazzy, Vincent, Randolph, Aj, Ate Joanne, Jirla, Mios, Trisha, Yvette, Arizza, Coby, Super Hero Tracy!, my batman hero Eric, Clams. :], BriannaPirhanna, TIEN!, Riane, Sean Domingcil, Sydney, Olivia, more to come. (:

Jethro is teh shizz.

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