
Mrs_Valentine18's avatar

Birthday: 12/26



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My poetry

My heart,It beats,Telling me I'm alive,Sometimes I wonder,Why do I live?I look at my knife,My phone vibrates,And I look at it,It's from my sis,It says,Please don't do this,I love you,I need you,Please don't make me,Live without you,My life would truely end,And I think,She loves me,She needs me,I need to live,For her,I put my knife up,And text back,I love you too,I need you too,She comes over crying,She pulls me close,I hold her,She says,I love you,Please don't leave me,And I say,I love you too,I won't ever leave you.

As I watch my life,Go by so fast,I wonder to myself,Why do I live?Then I see your face,And your text saying,I love you, I need you,I can't live without you,Then I relize,Why I live,I live because of you,You give me reasons,To live,You are my reason,You are my life,I love you.



Love,What is it?Is it something,You can just throw away?No,It is something,That only lovers know,It is an eternal flame,That cannot be distinguished,It is something,That if it is true,It lasts forever,It is a beautiful thing,It can create so many miricals,No one can really count,Some people wonder,What can love do,To people who are sick?It can lighten up depression,It can save someones life,It can do so many things,But only people who,Know it is true,Has seen what it can do.

What is love?

TearsTears go down my face,As I sit alone,In my room,Than he walked in,And asked,Whats wrong my sweetheart?I hid my face full of shame,As he walked closer and seen red on the carpet,He lifted my hand to see my wrist,I had cut several times,Tears go down my face faster,As I know he knows,He lifts my chin and asks,Why did you do this?Knowing that I love you,Do you not love me,Did I do something to cause you to do this?I look into his eyes as he looks into mine hurt,And tears start to go down his face,As my silence fills the air,He gets up and heads for the door,Tears dripping off his face,So purely hurt,he suddenly feels someone grab his hand,And he looks down to see me,Crying and begging him not to leave,He kneels down and lifts my chin up,Still crying and says,I love you,I don't understand why you did this,Please tell me,I look at him and tell him,I love you,I had to do this,Because I felt so alone,As tears build up again in my eyes,He lifts my chin and kisses me,I stand up and so does he,He pulls me close and says,You are never alone,You will never be alone even after I die,Please don't do this again,I thought I lost you,And I say,I wont ever do that again,I love you too and won't leave,You even after I die ether...He pulls me close and we embrace each other crying...

Love,What is it,Why does it hurt,She sits there wondering to herself,What should she do,Sould she take her life,Or trust someone with her heart,Kids look at her,As if she was a nobody,A monster,An untouchable,She wonders why she trys,She wonders why she doesnt give up,Than she looks up and sees why,It's because there is one person,Who cares about her,That one reason,Is why she tries,So hard at life,Trying to ignore the people,Who don't care,Who don't see her,It's cause of that one person,She will fight,To survive.

What is life?Is it something you can throw away?Yes, but it is not advised as the best idea,If you need help,Get help,Don't be afraid to do something,That might get you made fun of,Cause all those kids are that make fun of you,Ether did or are going through the same thing,And want to laugh at other people,Make them hurt so they feel better,Why get help?Life is worth living for,Even if it seems like ,It isn't and like no one cares,Cause even if I don't know you,I care and have probable,went through the same thing,So don't be afraid to speek up,cause you will thank yourself later,Believe me,I do.

As I slip into the depths of depression,I wonder to myself,Why do I try?I know no one cares,I look at my knife,So warm and inviting,I want to cut,I put the knife to my wrist,When my phone vibrates,Do I dare look at it?I know who it is,And I know they don't care,To me this is the only way,I look at my phone not really wanting to know,But it's from you,You are calling,I silence the phone and cut,Wondering,Will you really miss me?Than you come over and walk in worried,And see my wrist,You run over and apply pressure,I try to jerk away but am too weak,You save me,As tears run down my face and i say,Why did you save me?I wanted to die,You said,Its cause I love you,And can't live without you,Then u ask me a surprising questionWill you marry me?I look at you and said yes,You pulled me close,And we cried together in each others arms...

My heart,It beats,Telling me I'm alive,Sometimes I wonder,Why do I live?I look at my knife,My phone vibrates,And I look at it,It's from my sis,It says,Please don't do this,I love you,I need you,Please don't make me,Live without you,My life would truly end,And I think,She loves me,She needs me,I need to live,For her,I put my knife up,And text back,I love you too,I need you too,She comes over crying,She pulls me close,I hold her,She says,I love you,Please don't leave me,And I say,I love you too,I won't ever leave you.

As I watch,Red flow down my arm,And I start to slip away,I think to myself,Is this really,What I want?Do I really want,To live in hell?Than I remember,There may not be,Many people who care,But they do care,About me and love me,But then I think,No one cares about me,It's just all lies,Than I saw your face,As tears go down it,And I start to cry and think,You love me,And need me,As I stop the bleeding,You pull me close,And whisper,I'm sorry I hurt you,Please don't leave me,I love you,I need you,And I pull you close,And say,I won't ever leave you,I love you too...



My Heart




Poems >>>>

white man said,'colored peaple are not alowed here." The black man turned around and stood up. He then said listen sir....when I was born I was BLACK "when I grew up I was BLACK" "when Im sick Im BLACK" "when I go in the sun Im BLACK," "when Im cold im BLACK," when I die I'll be BLACK "but u sir," "when your born you're PINK." when you grow up your WHITE when you're sick,you're GREEN," when you go in the sun you turn RED," when you're cold you turn BLUE,"And when you die you turn PURPLE." "And u have the nerve to call me colored? "the black man then sat down and the white man walked away...Put this on your page if u HATE racism

As the girl,Sat there thinking,About life,She cuts,He walks in and sees,And says,I'm sorry,We are done,And he just walked out,She sat there,Crying harder,Alone,Wondering why she tried anymore,As she looks down at the cut,She relizes it's not enough,And she cuts again,Hoping the boy would,Come and save her,She started to fade,As tears went down her face,She lied there bleeding out,Preying for the boy,But he never came back,Than as she tried to stop,The bleeding,She relized it was too late,She just sat there,Till her heart stoped,Than in three days,The guy came back,To see the girl,To make sure she was ok,With the break up,But when he walked into her room,He saw her lying on the floor,Not moving,He ran to her,Tears going down his face,He sees she cut,He tries to find a pulse,But finds nothing,He trys to bring her back,Saying he was sorry,Please come back,But she never did,She lay there limp,In his arms,As he cried,He saw something,That made him,Regret what he did,A singal tear flows,Gently down her face,As her spirit watches him,She cries...

As the girl

As I sit here,Thinking to myself,I am useless,No one needs me,Than you walk in,And sit beside me,As I look down,You lift my chin,So I am looking at you,You ask,Whats wrong?I answer,I'm useless no one needs me,I look down with tears in my eyes,You pull me close and say,I need you,I love you,If I lost you,Id be lost too,I look at you,Tears still going down my face,Why do you care so much?You say,Cause I do,I love who you are,You may not be beautiful,On the outside,But you are beautiful,On the inside,And thats what counts,You pull me into your arms,Holding me close,I wrap my arms around you,Starting to cry and says,You are the only one who sees me that way...

Sitting here

She sat there,In the dark,Scared and alone,She wanted so much to see the light,She looked up every,Second,Hour,Day,And never saw it,When she finally gave up,And looked down for the last time,He came into her life,She looked up,And she saw the light,She was so happy,She cried,He was her light,She knew he was,She was lost all those years,In the dark,Scared and alone,And now she doesnt have to,Be scared and alone,She has him now,And he has her,She never saw the dark again,Until the day he left,He just slammed the door,And left her,Alone and frightened,She sat there,Scared,Than when she gave up,And was going to give her life,This other guy walked in,And told her he wouldn't leave her,He knew how she felt,For he felt the same way,He held her,Till she stoped crying,And from that day,He never left her,And she always saw the light..


As this depression consumes me,I sit alone in the dark,Thinking of why you left,I wonder if it was me,Or if it was you,Why do I think this way,It doesn't matter now,Your probable with some girl,Who you think is better than me,But truth is,Deep inside you miss me,And want me back,But you know you can never go back,Because I am dead inside,I am emotionless in my corner,I have no reason,I have no thought,No nothing after you left,Then one day you decide to text me,Thinking maybe you can bring me back,Somehow if any way at all,My phone vibrates in my pocket,I can't feel it but I can hear it,I get it out and see its you,I put it back down,Numb as I am I cut,Hoping to feel again as tears fall from my face,I can't feel anything at first,But then as things start to fade into blackness,I see you rushing to me,Talking to me trying to keep me awake,And trying to stop the bleeding at the same time,With my last breath I manage to say,I love you,Than I fade into the darkness wondering if I'll ever come back,I feel myself breathing again,And I open my eyes weakly,And see you ever me crying preying for me to come back, Saying you can't live without me,I say barely a whisper,You won't live without me,As you look at me crying pulling me close,I wrap my arms around you saying,I love you,Please don't ever leave me alone,And you look at me and say,I love you too,I won't ever leave you alone again,I look at you and say,I am still dead inside but maybe you can bring me back to life...

Dead Inside

Welcome to my page

Girl: I'm scared. Slow Down Guy:No, this is fun. Girl:No it's not, please, it's so scary. Guy: Then tell me you love me. Girl:I love you, slow down. Guy:Now give me a big hug * She gave him a big hug* Guy:Can you take my helmet off & put it on yourself, It's really bothering me. The next day in the newspaper, a motorcycle crashed into a building due to brake failure. Two people were in the crash, but only one survived. The truth was that halfway down the road the guy realized that the breaks weren't working, but he didn't want the girl to know. Instead, he had her hug him and tell him she loves him one last time. Then he had her put his helmet on so that she would live, even if it meant that he would die. If you would do the same for the person you love, copy this in your profile ~<3

I hide the pain,So loved ones can't see,I hide the pain,So I don't hurt anyone,I hide the pain,Cause I love people,So they don't have to see,The pain I am in,I don't want them,To see,My heart so cold,Yet so in pain, They don't deserve to see,The pain I'm in,They deserve to see me happy,I don't want them,To hurt cause of me,They deserve better than me,They deserve someone who is happy,Not someone who's heart,Is cut and bleeding,A depressed song of heartbreak,And pain,They deserve someone who is,Alive inside,Not dead inside,From all the pain thats been,Caused to them,They deserve someone so much better than me,Yet I put a mask on to,Hide the pain I feel inside,Yet the truth is,I'm dead inside,I only feel pain,Hardly ever happiness,I hide behind a mask,So no one sees my pain,Yet it breaks through the mask at times,And thats when,Everyone around me,Sees my pain,And I hate that,Cause I know it affects,Everyone around me,So I'll hide in my mask again,And act like everythings ok,When deep inside,I hurt,I only want to be alive inside,Yet I don't know,If that is possible anymore,I hope it is,But its doughtful,To the people I love,I love you...


Its a choice right?..... You're Wrong Month One Mommy, I am only 4 inches long, but I have all my organs. I love the sound of your voice. The sound of your heart beat is my favorite lullaby. Month Two Mommy, Today I learned how to suck my thumb. If you could see me, you could definitely tell that I am a baby. I'm not big enough to survive outside my home, though. It is so nice and warm in here. Month Three You know what, Mommy? I'm a boy!! I hope that makes you happy. I always want you to be happy. I don't like it when you cry. You sound so sad. It makes me sad, too, and I cry with you even though you can't hear me. Month Four Mommy, my hair is starting to grow. It is very short and fine, but I will have a lot of it. I spend a lot of my time exercising. I can turn my head and curl my fingers and toes and stretch my arms and legs. I am becoming quite good at it, too. Month Five You went to the doctor today. Mommy, he lied to you. He said that I'm not a baby. I am a baby, Mommy... your baby. I think and feel. Mommy, what's abortion? Month Six I can hear that doctor again. I don't like him. He seems cold and heartless. Something is intruding my home. The doctor called it a needle. Mommy what is it? It burns! Please make him stop! I can't get away from it! Mommy! HELP me! Month Seven Mommy, I am okay. I am in Jesus' arms. He is holding me. He told me about abortion. Why didn't you want me, Mommy? Every Abortion Is Just . . . One more heart that was stopped. Two more eyes that will never see. Two more hands that will never touch. Two more legs that will never run. One more mouth that will never speak. If you're against abortion, put this in your profile.

My drawing I drew of my heart or how i feel inside