
Deathstroke possesses various enhanced abilities. These include the strength of ten men, heightened speed, agility, stamina and reflexes. He has the capacity to use up to 90% of his brain making him a combat skills and tactical genius (written at a time when it was conjectured that humans only used 10% of their capacity), making him adept at turning opponents' own abilities against them, stemming from his years in the military and combat with various heroes. Deathstroke also possesses a regenerative factor in his blood that enables him to heal from physical injury much faster than a normal person. This has also made him effectively immortal, enabling him to recover from what would otherwise be fatal injuries, though recovering from what would be a fatal injury renders him insane and animalistic for a short period.

He is also a highly formidable opponent in physical combat to the point that even Batman can only fight him into a stalemate. Green Arrow #66 claims that an assassin known as Natas taught Deathstroke "almost everything he knows". There has been argument over how good of a martial artist Deathstroke is. While he has defeated multiple opponents in hand-to-hand combat and has even been acknowledged by Cassandra Cain as "toying with me, he is holding back", he is not considered one of the DCU's greatest martial artists despite his impressive record, due to his enhanced capabilities and artificial enhancements providing him with an unfair advantage. Deathstroke is also skilled in the use of many weapons ranging from guns, rifles and swords, which are usually among his current weapons of choice. His signature weapon is a power staff that fires lethal and non-lethal energy blasts from both ends. The staff can also be used to strike using energy at each end. His bodyarmor is composed of a mesh-woven, kevlar, chainlink mail, capable of stopping small arms fire. Most of the metal he wears and uses are made out of Promethium.



Viewing 10 of 18 comments.

Deathstroke Wilson

Report | 05/21/2010 7:59 pm

Deathstroke Wilson

Well.....hello Me.

Report | 03/07/2010 12:49 pm


that's only part of the prize...the other part is better. if only by a bit. still, it's nice to know that new rock will have friends...
Ms Rose Wilson Worth

Report | 03/02/2010 3:24 pm

Ms Rose Wilson Worth


Not a chance.

Report | 03/02/2010 10:45 am


there is currently an open trade between us. that is because you have won a prize-however i want you to respond to the comment by next wednesday. if you do not-the trade will be cancelled.
Ms Rose Wilson Worth

Report | 02/17/2010 5:34 am

Ms Rose Wilson Worth

Martian Manhuntr

Report | 05/06/2009 10:34 am

Martian Manhuntr

/who are you

Report | 11/18/2008 1:45 pm


stoped by the All-New Legion of Doom guild lately? you really should, you know!
Ms Rose Wilson Worth

Report | 11/14/2008 7:00 am

Ms Rose Wilson Worth

What have you done for me, daddy? Kill my friends? Whenever you see people that may become my friends, you react and do the same thing. What, are you disappointed in me now? For what reason are you playing your games. As fUN as they are they get tiring after awhile. *smirks* And i have new tricks up my sleeve and you're becoming predictable.
Ms Rose Wilson Worth

Report | 11/14/2008 6:22 am

Ms Rose Wilson Worth

*she snickers lightly and smirks.* Oh? You've become bored again, Daddy? *she says daddy with venum and sarcasm.* I thought it would take you a bit longer. What's wrong? Still trying to manipulate my life? Got bored with the other pieces on you chest board?
DC Black Canary

Report | 07/29/2008 2:45 pm

DC Black Canary

It was fine Slade


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