
MusicMoshingLife's avatar

Last Login: 08/11/2011 8:37 am

Registered: 02/16/2007

Gender: Female

Location: Tatooine

Birthday: 11/03/1992

Occupation: Jedi Knight

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Check out my myspace if ya gonna friend request me give me a warning and say you know me from gaia so i dont think im getting just random friend requests just click personal website i had to delete my old one so heres my new one

I wear dark clothes and I know this is why I scare some people (OK i scare alot of people) but I dont care I like who I am and the way I dress so get over it. I am a scorpio and every trait describes me.

I wear my heart on my sleeve if you dont like that then guess what...I don't give a damn. I've done some things in the past I'm not exactly happy about but I'm not ashamed of it. I have to live with my mistakes so please dont judge me on my past.

I am strong headed, stubborn as hell, and don't like being told what to do. Music and poetry are my life and I play video games...aim me at iamnothing5195 if ya like and forget my sn its from a linkin park music video so dont freak.
heres some of my poetry
Ever since you've been gone
I don’t know who I am anymore
Changing my hair
Rearranging my whole look
Trying to find out who I am without you
But I don’t know who I am without you
I am never happy with my appearance
So I change my hair, clothes and makeup all over again
Hoping if I keep myself busy enough
I can distract myself
From the memory of you
To take the pain away
This deep pain that haunts me
Memories of us play in my head
Of the time when you and I once were
Jumping from guy to guy
Hoping that one will fill the emptiness
Of the void that now fills my heart
I used to be able to remember clearly
But over time the memories are starting to fade
I can’t remember what your voice sounds like
Or the way you looked into my eyes
The way your arms felt when they held me tight
And even the warmth of your body
All I can remember now is
The way you now look into my eyes with hate
The awkward eye contact in the halls
And the way you avoid even being near me
How the silence between us never ends
And how the time we spent together is now just a distant memory
A vague outline that I try so desperately to grab
Just to hold onto what it felt like when you still loved me
It kills me how we used to talk for hours
And now we can’t even stand to be in the same room together
But to tell you the truth I long for those extremely awkward moments
Because it’s as close as I’ll get to holding you again
Of you looking in my eyes and me knowing that we truly loved each other
You’re like oxygen to me
I need you to stay alive
I need you a thousand times more then you need me
In fact you don’t need me at all
You actually are better off without me
And all I can say now is I’m sorry
I’m sorry I am not anywhere near perfect
I’m sorry I am the worst girlfriend you could ever ask for
And I’m sorry for all the wretched words that were uttered from my lips
Even though I’m not very pretty and I don’t match up to any other girl
No one will love you more
For all your flaws
For every mistake you made
And no one will ever cry as much as I have cried for you
Or be willing to change very aspect of myself for you
Willing to lose my identity completely
You have become like a drug to me
One taste is all I needed to be hooked for life
And I would wait a lifetime if you would just hold me
As I take my last dying breath
That would be enough for me
Cause it hurts to be without you
I wake everyday with this ache in my heart
And it continues till I go to sleep
Sometimes I even feel it in my dreams
This love hurts so much
But I’d go through all the pain all over again just for you
Because your happiness is more important to me then life itself
I would gladly give my life for the girl you love
Just so you could be with her
And so that your pain would end
And to tell you the truth I wouldn’t trade our time spent together for anything
Although this love will forever and always be unrequited
I will keep it alive and hide it deep in my heart
Keeping it forever locked up behind this mask of a smile


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Ummm this is my poetry cuz it was taking up too much room in my profile.


View All Comments

woogie87 Report | 08/14/2010 3:57 pm
"cool avi"
woogie87 Report | 11/02/2008 8:05 am
Happy Birthday!!
Loved666 Report | 09/13/2008 4:02 pm
copy/paste this to 10 ppl and then press F5 and F9 at the same time and you will get 100,000 gold it really works
l-change-me Report | 06/05/2008 10:01 pm
Copy /paste this to 10 ppl and the press f5 and f9 at the same time you will get 100,000 gold it really works
Written Words of an Emo Report | 04/05/2008 12:46 pm
Intriguing profile I must say.
xXxAliceSuicidexXx Report | 04/05/2008 12:31 pm
hey could you trade me the biancemella becuz i kinda dont have the money for it rite now so plz...and i know u probly dont give in to beggers but im not usually like this i usually have more class thn to go begging random ppl but...yeah i rlly wanted one so i thought id ask
talilly Report | 03/31/2008 5:28 pm
Dude!!!! Thnx for joining my guild!!! Dude!!!!
talilly Report | 02/29/2008 7:09 pm
Dude!! Sup, dude?? Gotz my orphans!! How did basketball go?? Hope you all won! DUDDDDEEEEE!!!!!
talilly Report | 01/20/2008 2:11 pm
Lol, I know kiddo. I'm just kidding around. Emo ppl are cool...
talilly Report | 01/13/2008 4:56 pm
Dude....I am gonna argue one of your things here that says everyone is fake....You are no different so don't be emo....


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He is so hot!!!!!